Chapter 16

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June 13, 2017
Orlando, FL

Anjali and I get to the person's door and knock on the door and he opens it.


"Hey Malaika."

"Sorry to drop by unannounced. I figured you needed a little pick me up and what better pick me up than a baby and Edible Arrangements.

"It's fine." He laughs. "Come on in." he steps aside and we walk inside. Well Anjali is asleep on my shoulder right now. He takes the Edible Arrangements from my hands.

"Anjali. Sweetie. Wake up." Her eyes slowly open.


"Wake up mama." I put her on the ground.

"Hey Princess."

"Braun!" Anjali yells. She takes off running to him, giggling like a mad man. He picks her up and she wraps her arms around his neck. "Puppy?" she asks him. He puts her down and the two of them go to see Braun's dog while I unwrap the Edible Arrangements on the table. The three come into the room and take a seat with Anjali on Braun's lap.

"How's the arm?" I ask as we dig into the fruit.

"It's good. I should be good as new in a few. What's going on with you? How was the vacation?"

"Well needed. Key West is amazing. Listen, I wanted to get your opinion on something."


"So Joe and I made a decision on something..."

"Which is?"

"Having another baby."

"Really? When?"

"It depends on the job. If nothing big happens with my career by the time Anjali is three, Joe and I will have a baby."

"And what exactly do you need my opinion on?"

"Should I do it?"

"I think if you're asking me that, then you shouldn't do it."

"But I want to. I would love to have another baby."

"But..." I sigh.

"But... I don't know. I just, I don't think I can pull away from the job."

"I get that. This job, it's like an addiction. But you always talk about how much you hate that they don't do anything with you."

"I know, I know."

"And you don't have to pull away from the job. It's not like your kids will be alone. You have your parents and Joelle's mom so they will be taken care of."

"Yeah. That's true."

"Don't worry, you have a year to figure it out. If you're not ok with it now, I know you will be. All you have to do is look at that baby's face when it's born and you'll know you made the right decision." I smile.

"Yeah. Yeah you're right. Dean says I'm gonna have twins."

"Well they do run in the family."

"So you think so too?"

"I'm saying be prepared just in case. The Universe has a funny way of working out." I roll my eyes.

"Great. Just great."


June 19, 2017
Monday Night Raw

Tonight Joe is supposed to give his Summerslam announcement, and since Joe has a pretty rough storyline for the next two weeks, they're letting me be the referee for all the women's matches, AND it's also the night I'm supposed to tell Carrano about my future plans. I'm nervous... really, really nervous but it has to happen sooner or later.

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