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[The Next Morning]

You were in your room packing like an absolute maniac trying to ensure you had everything you needed. You heard a small knock on your door and before you knew it you turned around to a frowning 10 year old girl. You smiled and keeled before her. She didn't say anything before she wrapped her arms around your neck bringing you into a tight hug. You sighed before hugging her back and you then looked at her.

"I'm going to miss you so much." She sniffled softly before you chuckled.

"As will I, But you know that my place isn't here in England anymore. I've helped your people, but I haven't done the same for my own yet." She nodded her head. You placed your hand on your chest before your reached back and removed your necklace.

"Here, take it."

"Bu- But I can't this is yours [Your Name]!"

You hushed her before you explained what you thought the two symbols meant, "I'll just always thought that they were so different... But now I see that we're alike, Yes, we have differences, but, we won't something in common, we want some odd shape of piece, we want freedom, but the want order. I feel like we balance each other out because not all of us look at the term 'peace' the same. And I felt like this has given me a sense of order and freedom since I was younger. But, I don't need it now. Here." You turned her around before moving her hair out of the way and placing the necklace on her. She smiled before you patted her head and she exited. You finished packing before walking down stairs with your bags. Everyone was teary eyed! Even, Freddy! You hugged all of the Roberts before you got to Jane. "Oh, I'll miss you so!" The two of you giggled before you hugged her again. "You better get the lead out of you gallies if you don't want to miss your train." You nodded you head before walking outside. You headed out to your carriage with an awaiting Mr. Green and he smiled at you. He helped you climb up and the two of you began to go to the train station.


You hugged Mr. Green before saying, "Ciao, Signore Green."

"Goodbye, Miss [Your Last Name]." You smiles before he walked off leaving you there to think for a moment. You were so deep in though you didn't notice anyone sneaking up on you.

"My God!" You place your hand on your heart before the two twins laughed.

You smacked Jacob's arm before saying, "Don't do that!"

They laughed again before you started to laugh yourself. You smiled weakly before Evie pulled you into a hug and Jacob did the same. "We'll miss you , [Your Name]. It was a very fun time." She smiled at you and you did the same. She walked off leaving you and Jacob alone, "I'll write you as soon as I get there, I promise." You smiled trying to lighten up the mood. "Don't worry, and I'll come and visit when I have the time." You added on before you started to ramble on causing him to chuckle.

"I look forward to all of those things, I love you very much, [Your Full Name]." You stood there dumbfounded before he placed a sweet kiss on your lips before walking off joining his sister. 

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