[ XII ]

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[Extra Chapter]

"Jacob!" He turned around answering to his name being called by Jane. He turned around to see his eldest sister and as well Jane rushing up to him. He rose an eyebrow at their worried expressions.

"Have you seen, [Your Name] as of lately?" Jane asked him while looking up at him. He shook his head before laughing.

"Do you assume that we would be together because she has a thing for me?" He joked knowing he wanted some of that statement to be true. As of the last few months [Your Name] and Jacob had been becoming close with one another to the point that he hadn't just noticed her for beauty but by her personality, talents, imperfections, her laugh, her exotic accent, and especially how her smile lite up wherever she went. He had noticed over the last couple of weeks she hasn't been around and it seemed like she was blowing her off but it wasn't like that at all.

"Shut Up Jacob, I'm being serious! She hasn't come home in the last three weeks have you see her?"

"No, I haven't... Maybe she must've been working on something, Jane, don't worry. I know from personal experience that you won't come home for months at a time when working. " He said hoping for the best. He didn't want to think of something horrible happening to [Your Name].She shook her head and placed her hands over her face before she sighed.

"Y-You're right... I'm making a fuss over nothing. I'm just must be tired considering all of the new Templars from Italy coming in. God, it would be great if [Your Name] was here." She said before placing her hands on her hips. 'Yeah, it would be great.' Jacob thought to himself. He then looked towards Evie and she smirked before she chuckled at him. "Come on you two. The day is wasting away and we must get busy." She said before the three of them ran off. Little did they know that below where the stood held the blood-curdling screams, yells, and pleas of [Your Name] [Your Last Name].

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