[ XI ]

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So I'm pretty sure with their mail back in the 19th century is that it took like a couple weeks to travel of even days like we have since they started with the transportation and all that good stuff so these letters will be from spans of days so go along with it my loves! And also thanks so much for the critique Ramona-Bubble Its helps a lot! 

Dear Signore [Your Last Name],

I believe that Paola trust has been broken. I have encountered [Your Name] and it wasn't so pleasant considering the circumstances. All it seems like she has already made allies in the city. I have the slightest clue to make sure she won't foil our plans. I ask for you guidance and assistance once more.

May the father of understanding guide you.

Antonio Borgia.


Ah, My boy. . . it's quite simple what you must do. Emotions. It's every woman's downfall quite to say. It was Lucia and so I guarantee it will be my daughter's. Use her heart against her. And once you feel like you do need her assistance any longer... Eliminate her and continue out our plan. Now, I don't want to hear from you again unless it's some good news. Don't make me question sending you there.

Lorenzo [Your Last Name]

Oppression{Jacob Frye Reader-Insert}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang