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A few days later

"Jacob! Jacob?! Why the hell have you called me here?!" You yelled while placing your arms on your hips. 'Jacob was supposed to be here early than me after all. He fucking invited me here not the other way around.' You thought while you looked around the place. 'Wow, this place looks so ancient. I'm surprised I even knew where this place was.' "Don't be surprised, my daughter. After all, you've been here in one of your many lives." You heard your mother call to you. You sighed and then looked her way. "Mother not now, I don't have time for one of your silly ancestor visits, I'm meeting someone here." You said before you heard you mother laughed. "You've fallen for Antonio again, hm?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Wow, ringraziamenti per il pensiero così del minimo me madre." You said before rolling your eyes. [Translation: Wow, thanks for thinking so low of me mother.] She laughed before you stalked closer to her. "I wouldn't fall for that snake if the devil himself came and cut off his head. Antonio is not to be trusted. I've learned that now, mother. You were right when you were alive. But I thought you were suppose to be all knowing." You said challenging her authority, she scoffed and then crossed her arms over her chest, "I'm not all knowing, believe me, I'm glad I'm not, but I can tell when your heart have been stolen by another, you are my daughter after all." She said placing her hands on your shoulder. You heard footsteps and you looked to her. "Stay, please." She looked over your shoulder as you motioned for her to do something. You then felt a strong gust of wind and you saw your mother in the same uniform as you and the same age of you. You glared at her and then she shrugged. "Can you at least be your own age?" You asked while you rose an eyebrow. She groaned before snapping her fingers and she then looked like the woman who you lost when you were younger. "Why didn't you tell me you could do this early?!" You growled at her. "I didn't know I could do it in the first place!! But I can't stay like this for very long."She hissed at you. While the two of you were arguing back and forth, "[Your Name] there you ar- Who's your 'friend' ?" Jacob asked looking at your mother. You chuckled nervously before rubbing the back of your head. You mother then smacked and then she walked circles around Jacob trying to evaluate him. "So this is the boy who you allowed to capture your heart?" She asked while staring holes into his head. "Mother, be easy! Jacob is a good man, friend, and ally. You aren't allowed to harm him in any way. I won't allow it." You scolded her, she then placed her hands up in surrender before laughing. "I was just testing you my daughter. It seems like you care for him dearly considering how you defending him." You rolled your eyes before walking past her, to Jacob. You smiled at him before speaking, "Jacob I would like you to meet my mother." You said before gnawing on your bottom lip. He looked utterly shocked, "This isn't funny, [Your Name]. You said that your mother is dead. Why would you jest about such a thing." You rolled your eyes before you silenced him with your finger. "Allow me to show you a demonstration." Your mother cut into before going back to her regular stature. "Get it now, dumbass?" You asked while raising an eyebrow. "Damn, Evie was right, you do take longer to get things, I guess I owe her money." You mumbled the last part but Jacob heard you. "You told Evie first!!! And then you placed a bet if I were to believe it or not, Damn it, [Your Name]! I wanted to come her to ask if you would allow me to court you, not have something new dumped into my lap." You rose an eyebrow before smiling. "You want to court me, Frye?" You heard your mother chuckle before she spoke, "[Your Name], I will speak with you later, it seems like you're busy." You then tilted your head to the side, "What makes you want to court me, Frye?" You said wanting to know what he thought of you. He mumbled under his breath before cursing. He then pulled something out of his pocket and brought your hand up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on it. His jade eyes never left yours before he spoke." Read this, and I'll see you tomorrow after I finish looking after some old leads." He smiled slightly at you before placing the letter in your hand and exiting the ancient room.

" He smiled slightly at you before placing the letter in your hand and exiting the ancient room

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