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Your Point of View:

I did everything in my utmost power to get out of that man's grip but he wouldn't budge! If I had just kept my mouth shut about me not knowing how to drive this blasted thing I probably wouldn't be driving it! God, I should've let us crash into the nearest light post and called it a day but no, I just had to say something.

"Alright, this should be a good spot right here." With his hands still placed on mine; he pulled up slightly and the horses came to an immediate stop. I smiled gratefully for the end of the ride and squirmed out of his grip. I quickly exited the carriage and began scaling the side of a building; he caught up when I was already halfway to the roof. I treaded carefully noticing a woman was also on the roof. I walked up to her and I placed my arm around her neck and I watched as Jacob removed her gun from her hands. Her screams muffled against my hand I chuckled and smiled.

"No one can save you now. It's no use." I felt her loosen up a bit and her weight was all against me. I pulled her away from the edge to make sure she wouldn't fall down and give away our position. As I disposed of her unconscious body Jacob and I scaled down the building and dropped into the nearest haystack. I sat there scowling and cursing under my breath. I notice a blonde walking beside Antonio. I examined her and I then saw red. I was about to lose my temper but I felt Jacob place his hand on my shoulder while shaking his head. He leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"You know as much as I know that we need them alive." I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me. I then saw two blighters climb into the carriage and begin to drive away I skilfully jumped out of the haystack and chased after them. Jacob had the same idea as me and he went to the front of the carriage as I opened the two doors. I grabbed one of the blighters for me to then throw him out to the traffic. I did the same with the others and I climbed in.

"Hello there Zia! How's London treating you?" I asked before she threw a punch I dodged it; while the two of us were going at it. Antonio managed to slip out of the chaos and onto the chaos of the street. I cursed as I finally got the situation under control. I smirked while looking at my bruised aunt.

"One down a hell of a lot more." I said before the carriage stopped. I grabbed her by her golden locks and throwing her into the nearest alleyway. I motioned for Jacob to follow us. I bent down slapping her face a bit.

"I'm sorry zia.... I don't what got into me. But I know what got into you!" I gripped her by her neck while growling.

"Che cosa? Che cosa significate?" She said looking away from me.

[Translation: What? What do you mean?]

"You know damn well what I mean! I know you have been screwing around with my father! I may have been young but I'm not stupid. " She looked at me knowing what I was going to do next.

"Hopefully il mio padre will see this as 'you're next'... I never did like nor trust you zia. I want you to press down on this trigger or return to Italy and never come back." I said placing the gun in her hands. 'I knew if she returned to Italia empty handed she would see my father as his true self.'

"My father lies to people. And it's obvious that he used you like he did the rest of us. All he cares about us his stupid Merry band of Templars. He doesn't care about you. He only cares about what you can do to benefit him. "

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