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"Faccia in modo che non siamo seguiti come l'ultima volta! Inizi a fare il vostro lavoro scopante o otterròqualcun altro che possa.„

[Translation:"See to it that we're not followed like last time! Start doing your fucking job or I will get someone else who can."]

I growled while pushing the worthless female out of my way. If this is the sad attempt of protection that Mr. Starrick has in placed this he must be mistaken. I climbed into the carriage whilst looking out of the window. I heard the door open and then close. The sound of rustling and a soft sigh echoed while I turned around. The blue eyed blonde didn't look like she was of Italian descent so I observed how she spoke.

"Antonio, I presume?" I nodded my head listen to her accent. 

She's Italian alright...

"I was expecting someone and I believe it's not you..." She smiled and laughed. 

"Solo perché non presento il mio accento naturale non significo che non sono italiano, ragazzo. Non presuma mai qualcosa senza avere informazioni valide.„

[Translation:"Just because I don't present my natural accent doesn't mean that I'm not Italian, boy. Never presume something without having valid information."]

My eyes widen and I started to apologize for my ignorance. She looked nothing like her sister. She had blonde bright as the sun blue eyes and crystal clear of the waters in Venezia while her sister has brown eyes. They were total opposites!

"Are you going to stare at me all day or are we going to start looking around?" She questioned while she rose and eyebrow.

"U-Uh, Yes excuse me for staring." She laughed and smiled. 

"Don't worry about it lets go." She then hit the outside of the carriage signaling for us to be on our way.  

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And I'm so sorry for not updating in a while! Starting the new year a lot of stuff has been happening and things have just been hetic lately sooo..... I LOVE YOU GUYS AND HAVE AN AWESOME DAY!!!!!!

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