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Jacob's Point Of View 

I followed her example, nearly hitting her with my dive into the hay. She growled lowly, hitting me in the arm, and then went still once more.

"Go before you get yourself killed... Besides, I don't like to watch after children when I'm working," She hissed tersely at me, moving out of the hay into the open. I watched her as she successfully sneak over to the nearest wall and slid her hand across it until she came to a corner. I looked for other possible routes of escape and went for the opposite side. I would be damned if I let her get away with taking my objective - and I meant it. Evie would probably have my head if I came back empty-handed because we'd been stalking him for too long to just let him slip out of our grasp.

I didn't waste any more time on her and instead focused on my enemies, watching them occasionally give a grunt of boredom or itch their nose with their pinky finger. Unfortunately, there were two guards near me instead of one so I had to quickly resolve that scaling the building was a much better choice - but I did have to be careful about it. Two stories worth of dynamite and patrols - recklessly, might I add - would not mix well if I were found out. I hardly doubted they minded dying if it meant I would go down with them...

Shaking my head to remove those thoughts, I began climbing, only holding still when the mindless buggers passed by. Once I made it to the roof, I made sure to get rid of the enemies up there with me and watched everything currently happening down below through the roof windows.

Antonio was standing there, and he wasn't alone. I couldn't say I was surprised that he was reporting to a higher-up, but if the fondness in the Templar's eyes was anything to go by it meant that they knew each other quite well.

I sat there for minutes, just watching, and then out of the corner of my vision I noticed             [Your Name] sneaking on the top floor. The look on her face was one of pure rage, but it left as quickly as it came - replaced by a mask of serenity.

I had to find a way in without causing a scene. I walked to the edge of the building and observed the windows below me, nearly smirking at the convenience in which a guard opened one. It wouldn't be too easy, but if I could slip in there unnoticed I could possibly beat her to Antonio.

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