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                  I was then crushed into the tight embraces of the giddy family.

"I can't breathe." I struggled to say. They all let go of me while I laughed.

"It's so good to see you, [Your Name]!" Fred exclaimed while he ruffled my hair. I removed his hand from my hair and I smiled while looking up at the twenty-five year old man.

"It's nice to see you as well, Fredrick!" I replied, still smiling.

{Later that night}

You opened the balcony door that lead out of your room. You stood there for a few seconds to feel the gentle caress of the wind and then moved to sit on the chair in front of you, quickly spinning it so that the back supported the front of your body.

"He's here in London. You know that right?" You didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

"There are so many men in my life I don't know who you are talking about, particularly." You lied; you knew damn well who was here. You just didn't want to have to face him. After all you loved him. Hell, you still loved him considering you knew what type of man he really was.

"Antonio, Antonio Borgia. He's here in London." You sighed and fought back the tears that threatened to spill. 

'This is not going to be the first time you cry in the last four years. Pull it together [Your Name]!' You cursed yourself mentally.

You inhaled sharply and pulled away from the chair. You started to fix yourself. You looked up after you were finished.

"Where can I find him?" 

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