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"Oh, come on! Anyone could take down that so called 'brute' of yours if he is anything like those men in the ring now!" You yelled at the drunk who was standing next to you.

Of course, Jacob walked up at the perfect time when the man replied, "Oh really then, huh, if the wench be bricky enough I suggest you fight then." He countered back and Jacob looked at you and you did the same. "Is that a challenge, signore, because if it is, I cannot refuse." You said cockily back to drunk and you could obviously see the blood run up to his face before he turned around and called out the name 'Henry'. You sighed before removing your coat and your gauntlet and Jacob stared at you impressed while you did so. You smiled at him before placing the clothing in his arms, which just left you in your [favorite color] blouse, black pants, and your boots. "Do me a favor, Signore Frye... stop eyeing my body like it's a piece of meat and hold my things for me." You said before turning around to face your opponent who obviously towered over you.

You looked up and smiled at the brute before speaking, "Aspetto con impazienza di alimentargli i vostri denti." You said to him before winking to him and the man who stood behind him.

[Translation: I look forward to feeding you your teeth.] 

{A/N: Who remembers who said something close to this in AC3?!}

"I suggest that you put some money on this fight, Frye." You said feeling rather confident of yourself.

"I'd rather buy a pint than bet on this fight. The two of us know damned well who is about to win." He said before you laughed. You waved him off shooing him to find some spot to stand and watch the fight. The two of you entered the ring before you smiled at the man which obviously caught him off  guard, which gave you an advantage to send a hard kick to his stomach which led him to double over. You then swept him off of  his feet causing him to land on the ground knocking his head first before his back met it. You smiled before walking over to him casually, you smiled at him before grabbing his arm and twisting it out of it's natural place which caused a sickening cry for help to escape his lips. But, that didn't stop you.

"Up we go!" You said before you used that same arm to pick him up. You used his height to your advantage and you scaled up him like he was wall before you deliver many blows to his face. You got off of him proud of your work and you stuck out your index finger and pressed into his chest causing the brute to fall down.

"How?!" The drunk who was standing by Jacob yell out. Jacob chuckled before opening his mouth, "That woman is rather 'special' isn't she?" He asked before walking over to the exit waiting for you.


The two of you walked around for a bit until you arrived in one of Jacob's favorite taverns. (And yes, I said ONE of his favorite taverns). The two of you laughed, talked, and Jacob being Jacob got drunk to the point that he couldn't even stand or speak correctly.

"You're drunk to the point that you can't stand, I'm not taking you home!"

"Why,(He hiccuped mid sentence) not!" His accent was thick the point that you could barely understand him. (And you thought your accent was bad! His was like listening to a drunken old man with his tongue removed)You liked it a bit better because he really couldn't go against your wishes.

"Because I said so, know give me some money so we can get a room for the night." You said extended your hand before he huffed and digged into his pocket and placed the money in your hand. You smiled at him, "Stay put." He groaned before replying, "It's not like I can go anywhere anyway!" You rolled your eyes before walking towards the counter and renting a room for Jacob. You walked back over to him and placed his arm over your shoulder and hauled his heavy ass up the stairs. "Mio dio, Jacob! You are heavy." You hissed at him, when you finally managed to flop him down on his bed, he wrapped his arm around your waist and you fell on top of him.

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