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"Non vedo perché mia madre mi ha voluto venire a Londra in primo luogo! Ci sono tante cose che potreifare per aiutare Roma!"

[Translation: I don't know why my mother wants me to come to London in the first place! I could be doing so many things to help Rome.]

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Your mother wouldn't send you here if she didn't think that it wouldn't help you."

"Parlate Italiano?!" You asked shocked. He shook his head and smiled.

"If you ever listen to your mother on a daily basis it's hard not to pick up some Italian before the day ends." You laughed and shook your head.


When you arrived at your 'new' home you thanked Mr.Green and made your way back into the house. You started to wonder through the large house looking for Jane.

"Jane!" You exclaimed when you finally found her. She turned around, but it wasn't her.

"Oh, I'm sorry madonna! I was looking for Jane I didn't mean to bother you." She smiled and shook her head.

"Don't worry. I needed something to preoccupy me instead of this damned work." Her smile began to appear brighter. You swore that she looked just like Jane.

"You're [Your Name] I presume?" She questioned you while the two of you exited the room. You nodded.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. [Your Last Name]." She said while the two of still made your way through the house.

"So you must be Jane's mother, Meredith?" She nodded as the two of you enter another room.

"Emily and Brianna, have you seen you older sister?" She asked while looking at the two young girls in the living room. The two girls looked at one another and shook their heads. Their mother rose an eyebrow and walked closer to the giggling children. She picked up the both of them and started to tickle the dirty blonde. The older one with the shoulder length pale red hair giggle as her younger sister was being tickled. You smiled and shook your head while looking at the loving mother and happy children.

"Oi! I can't sleep with all that racket! Pipe down!" You heard a masculine voice say. You turned around and look at the man who appeared in front of you. You actually had to look up to get a good look of him. His pants hung low on his waist as well he was quite muscular not to mention he had a pretty nice brown mop of curls place on top of his head. To add on that it seemed like green and blue eyes were common in the siblings.

"Freddy, save me!!" The young little girl managed to say between her laughs. He walked over to them and looked at his mother and smirked. Both of their eyes was directed on the other girl. Her pale blue eyes looked at them both. She quickly turned around and started to run, but he grab her by her waist and threw her over his shoulder. She squealed while she squirmed trying to get out of his grip. They both started to attack the small girls sides. You chuckled at the family while it reminded you how you were with your siblings. You heard someone clear their throat and you turned your head. You saw an older man with reddish-brown hair that stood with nothing but confidence stood in the frame of the door. He noticed his stare and look at you examining you. After a moment of the two of you having a stare off he looked away and moved towards the happy family.

"Meredith. Come and speak to me when you have the chance." A small smile tugged at his lips. She was out of breath considering that she was just tickling her small children.

"Of course my love! I'll see you when I have the chance. I was just showing [Your Name] here how our family is and also trying to find Jane. Have you see her by the way?"

He shook his no.

"Alright, [Your Name] please forgive me but I have some matters to attend to with my husband." She said not taking her eyes off of her. You nodded trying to reassure that you were capable of finding Jane yourself.

"Don't worry about it I will find her later."

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