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You leaned against the wall crossing your arms over your chest waiting for something to happen.

"[Your Name]? Ah, there you are. Come, Evie was trying to sort out the three of your arrangements. Come, we must hurry if we are going to get you inside undetected. " You nodded your head before getting off of the wall following the guard inside of the building. It was so laborious task considering the security was so high. He passed you a bag before exiting the room he lead you into. He exited before leaving alone; you sighed before taking your hand through your hair. You peeled your clothing off of your body before throwing the dress on. You fixed your hair quickly before exiting the room. You passed him the bag giving him your weapons before he passed you an extra invitation; the two of you went different ways before you slipped into the party and stood in front of the building. You hummed a soft tune under your breath before you wander around becoming familiar with your surroundings. You returned to where you were before to only just to meet up with the twins. You all had your own things to do so you went your separate ways agreeing to meet back to where you were originally.

After you got finished with your task you finished with you walked around for a bit looking for anything. Being pulled out of your blissful blur of just having some time to yourself ; you faced who pulled you before frowning.

"Oh, I remember how much you hated learning how to waltz."

"You'd hate it as well if you were being taught by anyone like yourself."

"Ah, haha, you have jokes." You cried out feeling him twist your arm behind your back one he spun you.

"You weren't too graceful when you were younger. I guess you haven't grown out of it." You chuckled before replying, "I did learn something, The key to the waltz is one must lead with one's right foot."

You purposely stomped on his foot causing him to groan out and fall to the ground.

"My apologies, father! You know how uncoordinated I am." You smiled sweetly at him before two people approached you, "Oh my!"

"Is everything alright, my dear?"

"Do you require assistance?"

"I never liked balls." You said smiling slightly at the two; trying to kindly tell them to leave. You turned around to only see a part of your necklace on the ground, but the pendant was gone. You placed your hand were you knew it was supposed to be but you grasp nothing but air. You cursed under your breath before jogging in front of a few people to trying get a better view. You then saw Jacob and Evie run up to you; you noticed the concerned look in her eyes before she spoke.

"Here. The location of the vault. Go!" She passed Jacob a piece of paper before he spoke, "Just like that? No plan?" You glared at him before he shrugged.

"No time for plans. I'll catch up as soon as I'm rid of this infernal contraption." You chuckled before smiling. You picked up some of your dress before running after Jacob ; You cursed under your breath noticing the water before you said "Fuck it." Jacob looked to you before you removed the crinoline from under your dresses make it lay flat before you ripped the bottom of it increasing your mobility. You sighed in delight before running into the water and then swimming across the stream. Hearing a sound that was similar to a cannon the two of you ran to the vault's entrance even faster. He looked to you for a moment before he pulled you close to him and place soft yet passionate kiss on your lips leaving your breathless and a little red. You bit the bottom of your lip before he smirked and slid down the deteriorated stairs into the vault's entrance.  

Oppression{Jacob Frye Reader-Insert}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang