Just showing how much I loved writing this book for you guys!

1.7K 47 1

Thanks so much guys for reading this book! It blows my mind at how many people have seen it already and how many have read it. Thank you so much, guys, it means a lot. I understand that some people think that 104 is not a lot, but for me I think that's amazing!!

Love you lots


Another Note:

Just know that I have been kinda busy with stuff so don't kill me for not updating. But seriously guys you are amazing! 138 readers like you don't know how happy that makes me. I love you guys and there is one more day until the game comes out GRAZIE DIO!!!(Thank God) I can't wait. Talk to you guys later.


You guys are amazing I just light up when I see that you guys like the book and How many of you have even taken time out of your day to look at the book. I love you all! Ciao


313!!!! You guys are amazing thanks so much!!!! *blows kisses* LOVE YOU!!!


AGH 496!!! You guys are amazing!!! I love you all so much and it makes me happy that you like it so much. I'm working on Chapter 6 so don't worry. But it just needs to get edited. But anyway Love you guys



501!! You guys make me want to bounce off the walls and do back flips. But sadly if I were to attempt that I might just break my neck....But THANKS, GUYS!!!!


608!! You guys rock!!!! Thank you so much!! This calls for two chapters today instead of one! Grazie Assassini!



675!!! You put me on cloud nine when I saw this!!! THANK YOU, GUYS!!!



O_O My mind is blown honestly and I feel so happy!!!!!! Agh thanks for your support guys I love it so much that you are loving the story! Thank you!!!!!


0-0 785, wow guys!!!! that's awesome thank you so much!!



That's amazing guys!!! I love this so much!!! Thanks, guys.



This is absolutely insane... 4 more until 900!! Whoa!! My mind has been blown! My heart goes out to you guys! You rule! Thanks, guys! The book hasn't even been out that long and it has 896 people interested in it. And how swamped I am I might have to push back the update to Tuesday Morning or Monday night. 

Oppression{Jacob Frye Reader-Insert}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ