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[Later that night]

You were back on topside trying to clear your thoughts about what happened earlier.

"Tired of staying cooped up in that room of yours?" You heard that familiar British voice. You chuckled and kept facing away from her. Something about you was saying turn around but you didn't bother to do it. You heard something soon after that and it ended up with you gripping Jane's arm behind her point. You were shocked at what had happened and you pushed her while letting go of her arm.

She groaned and laughed at the same type.

"Yep, you're definitely of an assassin's descent." Your eyes widen.

"Che cosa?" You asked confused.

[Translation: What? ]

"I'm not stupid, [Your Name], anyone who wears our symbol wears it for a reason. But, I haven't seen someone wear it like you do. Our symbol mixed with their symbol,"

"I was never implying that you were stupid," You said cockily with some new found courage.

She chuckled and smiled. "Look I just wanted to see what I was dealing with before I take you in."

You rose an eyebrow.

"Your mother assigned my family to house you and teach you further about our ways if she didn't have the opportunity herself. And considering that you're on your way to London I assume she is dead." She frowned. You were speechless at how she was reading you like a book. You just simply nodded.

"I can see that your mother did manage to teach you some things, though." She said referring to what happened earlier. You glared at her and replied simply.

"How do I know I can trust you."

" It's up to you if you trust me or not." With those words, she placed her hands behind her back and strolled back to her room. You scoffed and mumbled a few words you knew you only understood.

Oppression{Jacob Frye Reader-Insert}Where stories live. Discover now