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Mamma- Mom or Mommy

Papà- Dad or Daddy

Signore- Mr. or Sir

Signorina- Ms. or Miss or Mrs.


(You are 13 years old during this chapter.)


~A month later~

You walked through the house quickly, looking for your mother.

"Mamma!" You yelled loudly.You saw a woman with long brown hair speaking to your father. You went in between the two and you started to speak with your father. Since your tenth birthday, you had started to be more disrespectful to your father's guests as well him.

"Papà! Have you seen mamma?" You asked worriedly.

"No.. Why do you ask?" He was trying to act worried. But you knew that he wasn't being completely truthful with you. You let a groan of frustration escape from your mouth and stormed off. You ran upstairs, going towards Dominic's room. You opened the door and went inside of his room. You noticed that his room was actually clean for once, and. You saw a couple of bags sitting on his bed. You walked towards him curiously.

"Where are you going? Off to school again?" You asked curiously.

"You can say that." You rose an eyebrow.

"Can you take me with you this time?" He shook his head no.

You sighed. " Fine...Have you seen mother lately?" He shook his head again.

You turned around and ventured out of the room.


After asking Gina, Nino, and Giovanni you were highly irritated with the situation. You gave up and decided to go into the secret door that lead to the quietest room in the house. When you entered the room, however, something seemed off. You walked towards the bookshelves that were by your desk. You had neatly left everything in order, but some of the books weren't as you had left them. You took one of the books out of the shelf and opened it. A piece of paper fluttered out of it and fell to the floor. You bent down to pick the paper up, but a sudden gust of wind pushed it away. You looked around to see if there was any opening around, but there wasn't. There was no way for a gust of wind to enter the room. Something was pulling you closer to grab the paper. You walked towards it and it was pushed again by the gust of wind. You would continue to follow it and it would continue to push away from you. You truly got frustrated when it slid under a wall. You don't know how it slid under there, but it did. So you bent down and lowered yourself to ground level to see if there was any way to get it from under there. You saw a light. It was a bright light, glowing white. A cool breeze passed from the wall's crevice when the light disappeared.

'That's odd...' You thought to yourself as you got off of the ground and dusted yourself off.

You carefully observed the wall to see if there was anything that that could possibly help you out, disappointed when nothing out of the ordinary met you. You put your back on the wall and leaned on it, surprised when you felt the wall move underneath your weight. "It's a door?" You thought aloud.

You pushed the door with all your might. While it was moving, you felt a cold wind that chilled you to the bone. You rubbed your arms, trying to warm yourself up. You saw the paper and ran towards it. You picked it up, but a flash of light caught your interest and, you ran towards it. You were in another room. It had paintings of men and women, and upon further inspection they all shared the symbol you wore on your necklace.You walked up towards the deck and looked at the articles from newspapers.

"Signore Abate Found hanging from his roof!"

"Signorina Bosco was poisoned!"

You continued to read through the articles until you heard a soft voice. It sounded familiar.

"They were a part of your father's order." The voice whispered.

You turned around and saw a woman in a white dress. She was drenched from head to toe. You couldn't see her face because it was rather blurry.

"Who are you? Why have you brought me here?" You asked.

She walked past you and placed a black box on the desk. The same one your mother and sister had given to you on your tenth birthday.

"Where did you get that?" You asked suspiciously. You were looking for it the past week.

"It was mine. I wanted to give it to you myself." She replied, smiling slightly.

You were confused as to who she was. After all, none could say they'd had the pleasure of luring you into a secret room. She walked to the bookshelf and grabbed a pile of papers, well letters to be exact. She placed them on the desk and grabbed three books as well - placing them upon the desktop - and then walked towards you."Be brave, have courage, and I will come back whenever you need me." She smiled. And she slowly started to fade away. You were so confused on what had happened. But you walked up to the desk and grabbed the papers and the books. You held them closely to your chest, and you began to walk out of the room. After you walked out of the room the door started to close by itself. You quickly made your way out of the room and back into your room. You hid the paper and books under your bed and you hurried out of your room.

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