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2 weeks later...

Your eyesight had returned to how it was before and now you were sitting in bed, still, reading a book trying to pass the time. You groaned out before looking at your door.

"Fuck it."You said before you got out of the bed and walked out of the room. Your side was still killing you, but now it was to the point if you move wrong you wouldn't pop a stitch and hurt yourself even more. You gripped onto the railing before you snuck downstairs into the Robert's personal library. From what you could tell everyone was out and this was just how you liked it. You grabbed a few books before you sat down on the floor and went through the books trying to pass the time.


"[Your Name], Wake up." You groaned and shooed him away while you rolled over onto your back on the carpet floor.

"Leave, Dominic, I wish to sleep." You hissed covering your eyes. He chuckled, "Same old, [Your Name]." He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder before carrying you to your room. You crossed your arms while he went upstairs. As he carried you; you looked up to see Jacob smirking at you before he mouthed, "Awe, how cute, little sister is being carried to bed." He teased. You rolled your eyes before countering, "Well all know that there have been many times when Evie had to carry you home because you were too drunk to stand." He placed his hand on his chest, "Harsh words, [Your Name]." You shrugged, "Harsh words but they're true." You mouthed back to him before you disappeared into your room.


Journal Entry

Another 2 weeks passed and it seems that Jacob and I have been spending more time with one another to the point that it's unnatural. So, when Evie approached me, I was taken aback by her request but I didn't decline her request. We spent most of the day together working on our strengths, tactics, etc... It was nice I have to admit. While I was scaling up a building she yelled up to me, "I didn't know you fancied my brother!" Thank god there was a haystack below me if now I would surely be dead. It caught me off guard to hear that. When I popped my head out of the haystack she stood there, hands on her hips awaiting my answer. I gave her some attitude before hopping out of the haystack, I copied her position and spoke, "As you fancy Signore Green?" The slightest red pinched her cheeks before she spoke again, "Is Jacob courting you?" She asked with all seriousness wanting to know about her younger brother relationships. "The hell would I know, It was a just a few kisses here and there... I don't know if we're courting, Evie." I said trying to answer her question before the blood rushed up to my cheeks. It seems like her jade eyes lite up when she smiled. She moved a strand of her hair out of her way before speaking, "Well, this day was useful." 

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