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You were sitting peacefully in your room reading and skimming over articles, books, and newspapers. You were fascinated with what your mother had left for you.

'Maybe she had a reason to leave this stuff down there. '

You picked up another sheet before tossing it on the ground, deciding that the page had not been important enough to keep your eye. You let out a frustrated groan and tugged at your hair. You honestly didn't know what you were looking for but that paper certainly wasn't it. You then kneeled on the ground and, unsurprisingly, made an even bigger mess of paper on the ground. When you finally reached the bottom of the mess a single paper laid there. You picked it up curiously, eyeing the contents of the sheet and what it had to offer.It was only a picture of black skies and dark waters. Truth be told it worried you what this picture might have meant You sighed and flopped onto the bed. Maybe you were thinking about this all wrong... maybe you were just tired. It's nothing to truly worry about. You reached for your pillow and groaned, placing it over your head to block out any noise. The more and more you placed it over your ears the louder the sound of crashing waves and thunder entered your room. You hissed out when you felt something smack you onto something rough. When you removed the pillow and opened your eyes.

'What the bloody h-!' You sputtered and spat out sand from your mouth as you sat up. A beach? Great ... I'm on a fucking beach. You thought to yourself as you looked around. The bright light shined in your eyes as you looked up. I'm definitely not in London anymore. You stood up, placing a hand on your chest. You groaned out while you moved and stretched a bit. You looked down at your clothes and cursed under your breath. Mother should've mentioned we had bloody pirates in our family! You made your way across the beach just being curious and nosy. Maybe this is what you saw in that picture. You reached for the top of you head to run your fingers through you hair but it neatly put away into a long braid flowing down your back. Just go with it [Your Name], maybe one of our ancestor's hair was like this. When you finally found your way to civilization you were met by a place that you would not like to reside in. You walked through not caring if someone was watching you. When you were utterly clueless where you were at; you decide to ask someone. You walked up to a petite, frail old woman and decided to ask her.

"Excuse me, Madonna, do you know what this place is?" She turned around to answer, but a string of mostly indecipherable words met your ears.

'Did she just call me a 'Demon'?' You looked at her puzzled and rolled your eyes. Maybe you could find someone else to help you.


You groaned and looked up at the night sky. You plopped down onto the nearest seat and watched as the people in front of you interact. One of them caught your gaze and then quickly looked away. You rose an eyebrow and shrugged it off. You then saw a black feminine figure make it's way over to you. It sat in the sit across from you and removed the hood from it's face. You scowled at the figure when you realized it was your mother.

"Nice for you to finally show up. Where the hell have you been?!" You hissed, your mother smiled at you and you sat there dumbfounded. Why the hell do I sound like an english woman?! You look at her and she just laughed at your shocked exterior.

"Why are we here?"

"No, not 'we', you. You are here to learn the art of seduction. You see, men during this particular ancestors time would do anything for a woman who used themselves to get what they want." Your eyes widen. What the hell is she saying! Is she telling you to whore around to get what you want?! "I'd rather be damned to hell than whore around." She laughed and you looked at her puzzled. "I'm not telling you to whore around bella. I'm telling you to use being a woman to your advantage." You say silent as if you wanted her to continue. "During this age, men don't have as much restraint like they do in our time. Especially in Nassau, most pirates just stay in town for a couple of days at the past by. Your mission here is to be able to help one of your cousins. "

"Cousin? I don't see Giacomo anywhere?" She laughed at your reaction.

"No, not Giacomo, bambina. Your cousin, Adona." You rose an eyebrow at her. She snapped her fingers and soon a young woman in the same clothes as your mother with long brown hair cascading down her back materialized out of the darkness.

"Hello there."

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