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You sighed and you turned around you made your way back to your quarters. You opened the door and close the door behind you. Feeling lightheaded you placed your hand on the wall for support. Your grasp slipped and you tumbled to the floor. You groaned when your rear end made contact with the floor.

"Merda!" You cursed.

"I thought that I taught you that a lady of your age doesn't use that type of language."

"I thought we had this established that I don't follow the rules when it comes to being a 'lady'." She chuckled and placed her hand out in front of her. You grabbed it and smiled as she helped you up.

"Why can't you like every other ordinary dead mother and not make their daughter almost pass out."

"We are not ordinary. You have very interesting ancestors. Donne nel bianco. " You rose and eyebrow because how familiar it sounded. Then it hit you. The Women in White, your father had your tutors teach you about it when you were younger.

"I have heard about the Women in white! Most women in that lineage are cursed with horrible  or earlier death!" Your eyes widen realizing that you are cursed with the same thing.

"Don't worry, Bambina! I'm doing everything in my power to insure you don't end up the same fate as the rest of us. It surprises me that you're not dead yet...but, this is not why I'm here. We have come to train you." She grabbed your hand and started to walk towards the wall.

Who the hell is 'We'? Wait! I'm suppose to be dead!!! 

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