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Cazzo-Fucking or Fuck




Four Years later....

You were playing with your Templar necklace nervously. You were worried if the ceremony would go left. You got up and paced back and forth in your room. Even though it wasn't happening until a month you were nervous and you needed guidance. You managed to make your way into the secret passageway and walked into the room.

"Spettra! Where are you?! I need your help!!" You yelled. Your voice echoed in the room. You walked to the secret door and pushed it open. You walked to the desk and looked down to see if there was anything new that she had left for you. You groaned when you noticed that she hadn't left anything other than empty space.

"You seem troubled," She said stating the obvious. You almost jumped out of your skin when she spoke. You turned and walk to her.

"Spettra! I don't know what to do. Should I go out with the ceremony? Should I enter my father's order and go against my mother's wishes?..." You didn't have a clear idea of what to do, which caused some distress on your part. You felt her place a hand on your shoulder.

"It's your choice my darling. You will always have crossroads, with each decision that you make two more shall arise. But just know that you will always find your way back to the right path." You looked up and nodded your head.

"This reminds me that I do have some things to show you... "

"What is it?" you interrupted.

She walked back over to the desk and picked up the black box. She then removed your necklace from where it was before. She opened the black box and took out another necklace. She put the two of them in between her hands and a light began to glow. When she was finished she opened her hands and revealed a new necklace. You rose an eyebrow.

"Why are the Assassin and Templar symbols melded together?"She walked behind you and moved your soft hair out of the way. She put the necklace on your neck and she smiled.

"I'll explain everything that I can, in time." She smiled. She turned around and walked towards the wall, disappearing into it as if she had never existed.You walked out of the room while the wall shut behind you. You sighed and looked down at the necklace. You groaned.

"You did nothing but cazzo confuse me even more!" You yelled out in frustration. You had no one else to talk to, considering all of your siblings had left the house. You walked out of the secret room and entered your room. You looked out of the window and noticed that it was night. The moon had spread its dark blanket embedded with white dots and showed Roma it was time to rest. You yawned unexpectedly and, walked over to your dresser, picking out your favorite sleeping clothes.


After you got dressed you climbed into your cozy, fairly sized bed. As soon as your head hit the pillow you were sound asleep."Where the hell am I? " You were in a darkened room with nothing in it, except for you.

"A dream." A voice said. You instantly recognized it.

"Mother?!" You said frantically, walking around in a frenzy to find the only other piece of family you adored. You saw the woman in white who usually guided you,. but this time it wasn't the random woman, it was your mother..

"How? Why? W-Why didn't you tell me it was you?" Something dawned on you.

"You're dead." You whispered, looking on in shock at her.

She nodded her head. She walked up to you and wrapped her arms around you. She was soaking wet, head to toe. You then felt water start to wet your feet. You looked down to see that the water was now reaching your waist and your mother was no longer there. The water started to darken. You felt yourself being pulled down into the water. You looked down to see chains wrapped around your body. You started to struggle and try to get out as the water reached your shoulders.

"Help me! Help!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. When the water reached your neck you let out a blood curdling scream, hoping at this point that anyone would hear your pleas. As you submerged deeper into darkness, you continued to struggle and wiggle in an attempt to break free of your new-found prison. You held your breath so long that your lungs began to burn. While you looked up you opened your mouth. You felt the water rush into your mouth unbidden, causing you to choke. You clamped your mouth shut. Looking up once more, you saw a boat stopping right over you. The boat dumped something heavy into the water. You then noticed that it wasn't something, it was someone. And that someone was your mother to be exact. Your lungs continued to burn as you struggled with the water.

"Breathe my child...this is nothing more than a vision I am showing you. Nothing can harm you here." You obeyed what the voice had said, surprised. You let go of the remaining bits of breath that you had and began to calm your fast-paced heartbeat. Taking a fresh breath, you opened your mouth to speak but noticed that you couldn't. You were looking around to see if there was anything to get out of the chains but it wasn't working. You became alarmed when you felt someone tap your shoulder. It was your mother but on of them was staying still and they other one was pointing towards the surface. You looked down at the chains and you remembered what she had said. Nothing could harm you here. You watched as the chains slipped off of your body and disappeared completely. As the weight was lifted you started to make your way up to the surface. Your mother was patiently waiting on you.

 "Let's get to the shore, I want to show you where it all started." She started to swim to the shore. You copied her movements and made your way to the shore. When you got out of the water your hair was soaked and you were freezing too. You wrapped your arms around yourself, attempting to warm yourself up again. Your mother walked off of the beach and motioned for you to follow her. You ran behind her and when you caught up with her you noticed that you were in front of your house.

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