Olaf took this as an opportunity to escape. He came out from his hiding place and slipped out of the door undetected. One second later and he would have been too late, the door vanished. The Guardians prayed hard for him.

"It's been a long time." Pitch smirked at the Guardians. "Originally, I was suppose to go to you, but it looks like the Guardians have delivered themselves to the front door."

"Say what you want, Pitch! You'll never win this." Jack said.

"And who's gonna stop me?" Pitch asked, stepping on Jack's leg.

Everyone fell silent, they couldn't give any information about the rest to The Nightmares. Otherwise, hope could all be lost.

"Well?" Pitch asked. "Who's gonna stop me?"

"He asked you a question!" Mor'du forcefully grabbed Jack. With his strength of ten men, Jack thought his bones had broke. His nails were like claws, it dug right into Jack's skin.

"Oh please, he's just playing with your minds. See how he can't answer? Because he has no one to save him!" Gothel let out a menacing laugh.

"These are your rivals, Pitch?" Hans asked mockingly. "They look like a bunch of losers, how did you not take them down in the first place?!"

"That was when they had magic!" Pitch shouted at him.

"Well, what are you waiting for? You have them in your possession. Kill em." Drago said.

"Did you really think that's what I intended to do immediately when we were going to invade Burgess? No! I want them to suffer the same fate as me, I want them to not be believed in, I want them to know how it was like being cast aside, with no one to care about you. That way, the children will have no one to believe in but me, there will only be fear, and me." Pitch replied.

North let out a chuckle that surprised everyone. "Now just where have I heard these words before? Hmm... Let's see... Oh, that's right! That's exactly what you said when you invaded Tooth's place. And what happened after that? You were still defeated. It ain't over Pitch."

What are you doing?! Jack yelled in his mind. Are you trying to make him angrier? He'll kill us on the spot!

"Would you like that to be your final words?" Pitch threatened.

"You think you're so great, you think just because you have us here means you've won. Well news flash, the Guardians never give up." North continued.

Pitch couldn't stand it any longer and kicked North in the stomach. He wasn't going to let his moment of glory be destroyed.

"I'll make sure you give up." Pitch glared at him.

No one was noticing Sandy slowly forming a ball of golden sand in his hands, he was going to knock The Nightmares out.

"You still have time to surrender before we take action!" Bunny said.

"And what will that action be?" Mor'du asked. "You're chained."

"This has so far been the most stupid group we've encountered. Are you forcing yourself to say those words as an encouragement?"  Gothel asked.

"They just like to act tough." Pitch shrugged. "They-"

Pitch didn't finish, Sandy's dream sand was flung at him and he fell asleep. The Nightmares were caught off guard, giving Sandy to strike them all before they could react.

"All right Sandy!" Tooth let out a cheer. "But, what now?"

Jack tried to fly, which he managed to and tried to pull the chains off. But he came crashing down. "Well that's settled, I'm losing the ability to fly."

"Hey North, think you can get my boomerang?"  Bunny said.

"I'll try." North said, trying to get the boomerang off Bunny with his legs.

"With luck, I can throw this thing right and hopefully it'll snap the chains." Bunny explained.

"Olaf better hurry, just in case all our plans don't work." Tooth whispered to herself.

A chainsaw made of golden sand appeared in front of Sandy. He tried using it on the chains but it didn't work. The chainsaw was as harmless as sand.

North finally managed to get the boomerang and he placed it as gently as possible onto Bunny's palms. It was hard to aim as the chains restricted his movement. Bunny threw it, but it didn't bounce back to his chains, instead right into Pitch's face. North burst out laughing instantly.

"What's the point of laughing if we're not free?!" Bunny snapped.

"I'm... Sorry..." North said between laughs. "But look at his face!"

Bunny was just about to say something when his eyes fluttered shut and he passed out.

"Bunny? Bunny?" North gave him a kick.

"What happened?" Tooth asked.

"I think his powers are fading again." Jack said.

Suddenly, a horse of black sand appeared out of nowhere, it was one of Pitch's darklings. The horse galloped around The Nightmares, forming a barrier of sand. Then whoosh! They were all gone.

"... What was that?" Jack asked.

"Looks like Pitch had a backup plan." North replied. "Darn, I was hoping that we could take them down once we were free."

Jack tried to fly again, but he flew no more than 5 seconds and fell down. "These chains ain't ever gonna budge. Any ideas? What are we gonna do now? The more we use our powers, the more it fades."

"Wait. It's all we can do." Tooth said.






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