The Assembly Includes An Anouncement

Start from the beginning

Anthony then gave me a look.

"What?" I whispered, loosing track of what Miss Piersay was saying

Anthony leaned back on his chair and causally rests his arm round the top of my chair back to reach forward and whisper in my ear

"You look like you're about to tear someone's head of"

While Miss Piersay is still taking"... But realy this isn't just my school, it's not the just teacher's school or just your school. It's our school...."

I turned to Anthony who's looking at me with a mischievous closed lip smile, and so I whispered back "If you don't remove you arm from around my chair then that may just be the case"

Anthony held in a smile and removes his arm turning back to the Miss Piersay but I can see is looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

I smiled smugly at him, me too turning back to Miss Piersay

The assembly got really boring and I admit too spacing out a lot of times, but really it's not anything important just you know... This and that and boring crap no one wants to listen to. I'm really good at tuning out people and acting like I am actually listening to them, when I'm really just thinking about how much I don't want to be there. I count it as one of my number one talents!

The words 'big' and 'announcement' brought me out of my day dreaming state thinking about... Actually I probably shouldn't tell you. Trust me you'll be a better person without this image scaring you. Anyways....

"I have one very big announcement to make" Miss Piersay smiled excitedly, which made me curious "This Friday we will be holding a grand Ball-"

Colette and I shared a look, the difference is she looks excited and I look disgusted

"-but not only a ball, a Royal Ball. Where our Vampire Royalties will be attending-"

I shared another look with Colette. She looks scared and I look bitter ... What can I say? The royals are the worst of them all

Miss Piersay rattles on about the Royal Vampire family and who of them will be attending "-you will all be expected to attend. In formal attire, the colours to be worn only black, gold or red. The couches will be available to take you to town for shopping, Wednesday and Thursday"

"It might be fun..." Colette said as she gets into her top bunk. We're back from the assembly and we're now getting ready for bed

"I highly doubt that" I said from where I'm sitting on my bed cross-legged at my laptop

"Why?" Colette asked as she plumbs her pillow

"Well for starters I know I won't like going to a Ball" I said shutting down my laptop as I'm getting ready for bed

"But you've never been to one, how will you know until you try it?" She said

"Formal occasions will never be my thing Colette plus I've never danced in my life" I said getting out of bed to put my laptop back on the desk

"If you've never tried it Lailah how will you know for sure you won't like it?" Colette said to me

"Because there will be stupid Royal Vampires there!" I said "I know I have failed myself when I have reduced myself to bowing to one of them. Seriously it's hard enough having to be teached by them now I have to obey and serve them to?"

"I don't think they'll make you serve them"

I sighed getting into bed "Colette I'm not coming ok?" I said reaching up to turn of the light, I lie back in bed waiting for a response from Colette but she doesn't say anything

"Ok?" I asked again

Nope no response

"Colette?!" I said firmly

"Whatever you say" She sang

"Ughh" is the only response she gets

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I've been Ill but I did it!

Another chapter and um throw on your frocks girls the Royal Ball is nearly hear! And someone special is arriving ;)

Btw guys I've been listening little mix's new album! A.M.A.Z.I.N.G

All I have is looove <3<3<3<3<3 :)

That's it

Love ya


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