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He banged his feet on the floor as he angrily walked over to the three students.

"Hyung, I was just speaking to her. I-" 

Too late. Jin had pulled him closer by his collar. 

"WHAT were you doing? After all I shared with you. You go and.."he gave him a disgusted look, "I won't forgive you for this." he pushed him to the side, Jimin tripped and fell without making a noise.

Jin turned to look at Kunika.


He grabbed her wrist, tight as ever, and dragged her behind the lockers, again forgetting Mimi. She clearly didn't matter to him at this moment.

He pushed her to lockers and threw his hands on either side of her, so she couldn't leave.

"How dare you? What were you doing to him?" he asked dangerously.

"I-I didn't do anything. He just- asked me out. I wasn't going to say yes. Believe me. I promise." she was suddenly frightened. She'd never been scared of him. What was he doing to her?

"I don't know who to believe." He said.

Kunika closed her eyes. She didn't want to deal with him. She was too afraid. She never had two guys fight for her. But all she was thinking about was how Jimin had treated her. Was he always like this? Was he that bad? 

Jin placed his hand on his temple, back facing Kunika.

"Why is he doing this?" he talked to himself.

Kunika heard him. She could feel his pain.

She walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder. She really liked Jin, but not in that way.

"Jin. Please calm down. You're scaring me." Jin turned around, frustrated. 

He once again pushed her back, locking her in the same position, but closer.

"You're scared? You? You were the one ready to fight us two days ago. You're scared of me now? Why are you doing this to me? I'm scared of you! He'll take you! You were the first girl who didn't take advantage of us." Kunika didn't want feel the same way, but she did, A little bit. She still wanted to help him.

"You're an idiot." she pushed him, he let her go, slowly turning weak.

"I'm not scared of  you. I'm scared for  you. I- I care about you, a little bit. You don't get it do you? I don't like you, I know. But you matter to me. I won't leave you like Seokjin did! But now I know, he didn't mean to- he was.. forced." and she lost all her strength. She fell to the floor, closing her eyes.

Jin heard the name. Seokjin. Could it be?  Was this.. was this his best friend? Was this his Kunika? Did he only feel about her the way he did because of her name?

He turned around to apologise and tell her everything-  but when he looked down, he saw her. 

Fallen to the floor.

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