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When they reached school, Kunika was very confused when everyone was staring at her as she, Mimi and her new friends walked down the wide corridor. Then she realised: she's casually talking with her enemies. Or who the school thought were her enemies.

Lee was also staring at her and Mimi. Mimi smiled at him. He tried to smile, but ended up looking constipated.

Hobi was laughing his head off. Suga had just tried to say 'You got no jams'.

"Rapmon? Would you care to explain this to the school?" Jin asked him, smirking.

"Ah, yes, hyung." Namjoon said, acting to be sophisticated.

"Well! Listen up!" the school immediately quieted down.

"You may have witnessed the argument that took place right there," he said, pointing at the wall of lockers, "and you're probably wondering, why the hell are they talking like their best friends? Well even though that's none of your goddamn business, I'll still tell you! These two," he then signalled Kunika and Mimi, who awkwardly waved, "are our new friends! So don't touch them, or else you'll have to face us! Is that clear?" 

The whole school seemed to be nodding, or mumbling yes.

"Good! Now where were we?" the other six boys continued to speak like nothing had just happened. Kunika and Mimi were a bit confused at how they did that, but they joined in as the rest of the school started to take their attention off the band and the two girls.

"Wow Namjoon, you're pretty good with kids!" Kunika said as a joke, then Namjoon decided to take it further.

"Thank you very much, it's just a gift." Kunika was laughing instantly. She couldn't help but laugh at his jokes, he seemed to be a younger version of her appa, he entertained her 24x7 back at home. He'd been so busy with his job, she didn't get a chance to talk to him for the past week. She'd started to miss him. He was Chief of Police at his station, so he tended to come home late, far after Kunika had gone to sleep, and he had left home sooner than she woke up.

The bell rang. The boys started to walk out the way they came.

"Where are you all going?" Mimi asked, she wasn't anxious to talk to them anymore.

"Just going to our hideaway, you two wanna join?" Yoongi answered her before anyone else could.

"Thanks for the offer, but we really need to go to class and apologise for the stunt Jin pulled yesterday." Kunika said, grinning.

"Ah, araseo. Bye then!" Yoongi said, waving kindly at them.

"Annyeong!" Kunika said as they turned their ways.

"Oh, shit. Uhm guys, I can't go today." Jimin said suddenly.

"What, why not?" Jungkook asked.

"I think my eomma got guards to watch me. I- erm, heard her talk about it, this morning."

"Araseo. Have fun learning, son!" Jin said, laughing.

"Thanks eomma, I'll see you guys later then." Jimin said, smirking.

After they'd gone, Jimin caught up with the girls and unexpectedly held Kunika's hand.

"Oh, Jimin! Are you not going with them lot?" Kunika asked, looking down at the hand he was holding and looking back up at Jimin strangely.

"I wanted to hang out with you today. And you too, Mimi." he winked at Mimi and smiled at Kunika. Mimi was secretly fangirling inside.

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