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Kunika checked her phone first thing in the morning to text Mimi.

Kunika checked her phone first thing in the morning to text Mimi

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Kunika explained everything her mum told her the previous night. Mimi was more than happy to help find him. Kunika's belief in friendship had increased hugely since she came to this school. It had to mean something.


Travelling on the same train, Mimi and Kunika arrived at school with enough time to take a first look through the school. Scanning every boy for characteristics of SJ.

Kunika was approaching a rather tall boy with slightly hazel hair when she heard a scream and "Please, I was just helping my friend!" that sounded like- Mimi.

Kunika ran. Who would bother her Mimi, she thought. At last, she turned a corner and right outside the girl's restroom, there they were. The whole gang surrounding Mimi. She ran to the group.

"What the heck do you think you're doing?" she screamed at the leader. He had held Mimi's twisted arm against her back, pushed against the wall. She tried throwing his hands off. Kicking him, even. He too, had invisible power.

"Get off  her! She didn't do anything!" he let go of her arm and roughly pushed her to the side. He started walking towards Kunika, she took a step back when he took a step forward.

"Who do you think your talking to? What do you think you're doing parading the halls and contaminating our kids?" another barked.

"Why do you overreact so much, we were just trying to find someone! And I was just trying to help a friend, why do you care?"

"You think your strength and popularity will win you the world? Think again." instead of any violence, the girl fell to the floor. She was on her knees. All she thought of what SJ told her when they confronted bullies: "When in doubt, act like you don't care, you lack emotion, and they won't find you easy, but unexpected, they'll just leave you alone."

"Here. I'm helpless? Beat me up then. See if I listen to anything you say."

Rap Monster looked at her as if she'd just told him to slap himself. Infact, he stepped back. He didn't turn, just walked backwards, then whispered something in Yoongi's ear.

"Take care of her."

Yoongi stepped forwards, hitting his palm and fist together.

"You said you wanted it, you're getting it." Kunika closed her eyes. He was two feet away from her. The whole school had started to watch this ongoing fight. The teachers must be coming, Kunika thought. But then she realized:

She had to be strong. She was proving her point. She would do anything to prove them wrong.


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