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Jin knocked on the door. He came without any notice, and told Jimin he was going to the park for a walk so he wouldn't join in. 

In her pyjamas, she answered the door. 

"Annyeong. How can I- what? Why are you here? How in the world did you get my address?" Kunika had gone mad. Her enemy, was standing at her door, looking at her in her PJ's.

"Cute clothes. And, I want to apologise."

"Haven't you already said enough? And I don't know why you said sorry earlier today, but I don't care. Get out!"

"I'm not even inside yet. And I'm still sorry." then he took hold of her wrist, and dragged her outside, closing the door behind her.

"Yah! What ARE YOU DOING? Stop dragging me to places!"

"We're going shopping."

"What the hell!? I'm in my pyjamas! And why am I WITH YOU? Let me GO! This is abuse! You are damaging my wrist! Let me go! Please.."

"You said please..? To me? Still not letting you go." he grinned to himself.

"How are we going shopping? It's 9pm! You are such a brat!"

"I'll never let you go. Wait, can I still help you?"

"You're still going on with that? No, no, NO! Never! Do you think stalking me and dragging me out of my home will make me say yes?"

"Yes! I'm treating you. Isn't that a girl's favourite thing to do?" Jin was completely oblivious to how girls liked to be treated. Well he once did, but he never had the gut to tell her how he felt about her. Her, being his one best friend long ago.

Kunika started laughing. 

"Uhm, WHAT? Araseo. You're right there, girls love to go shopping. But REALLY? Pabo. I'm not sure girls would enjoy shopping at their bedtime and in their pyjamas by a STRANGER! I can't tell you how much of an idiot you are."

"Yah!" Jin squeezed her wrist painfully as she moaned in pain, "don't call me an idiot."

"Why not? You are one." he suddenly let go of her wrist, he didn't mind if she insulted him. It made him smile.

"I don't what I was doing. Sorry, go home."

"You've dragged me to the middle of nowhere."

"What? I-" he looked at where they were. They had reached a street neither had been too.

"Ah. Mianhae."

"Stop saying sorry! You've said it like ten times!"

"Sorry. I, ah, yah. I've been so wrong to you. I'm sorry, Let's start fresh."

"Uhm," Kunika wasn't sure she'd want to be friends with him. Far from friends, first she'd have to call off the sworn enemy promise. She never went back on her word, well she had.. once. She promised Kim she'd always be there for him, but then, he left her, so she broke their friendship. Any girl would. But she wouldn't do that now. She wanted to find him. Apologise.

"Araseo." she said.

"Annyeong. My name is Jin."

"Annyeong. I'm Kunika." and she held out her hand. Jin laughed happily, but instead of shaking her hand back, he hugged her. He'd never hugged a girl before. Except his eomma. His eomma.. she'd died at a young age. After giving birth to him, she had no choice but to pass due to her weakness. Jin blamed himself for her death. It was because of him. But he stopped thinking about her. This was a happy moment for him. He had another girl friend to start fresh with, try and forget his last. Not girlfriend. Just girl friend. 

Kunika couldn't help but smile. He wasn't that bad after all, she thought.

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