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Kunika was feeling a lot more confident about school. She was half-friends with Jin. She made the impossible, possible. But she hadn't expected him out of all people to ask for a new start. The guy who likes to push me against lockers, she thought of him. 

She headed out for school, meeting Mimi along the way and telling her about last night.


"He hugged you?" Mimi asked, she was very surprised at Jin's new and improved behaviour.

"Well, yes. I was weirded out too. But I accepted in the end. I had to, really."

"Do you like him?"

"Ani! Never! He's a half-friend. I'm curious to see how he acts today. See if he's still a piece of shit when he's around the rest of BTS."

"Ah. So, any updates on Kim?"

"No, not at all. Except Jin still wants to help find him. He walked me home yesterday, and-"

"He walked you home? This boy.. Has he ever liked a girl before?"

"Don't know, he didn't tell me his life story." Mimi playfully punched her in the arm. 

They both laughed. Talking about him the whole way to school, it didn't sound like a coincidence when they arrived at their lockers, BTS was 'somehow' around. Jin looked towards Kunika, and smiled. In the corner of her eye, Kunika saw Namjoon flinch and act as if vomiting in return to Jin's smile.

In unison, the whole band decided to walk towards the lockers, seemingly towards Kunika and Mimi. Kunika's heart started to beat faster, she wasn't sure if it was because she was nervous to talk to Jin, or because she thought he would hurt her again.

"Hello." he said excitedly.

"Hiya." Kunika said, a bit awkwardly.

"Are we done? Can we go now?" Rap Monster clearly didn't like Kunika.

"Nice to meet you too, Namjoon." Kunika was going to insult him indirectly. 

"Interested in help finding an old friend?" Jin said, almost immediately. 

"I-" she looked at Mimi. Mimi shrugged. Instead of speaking, she tapped her nose. Kunika remembered: Mimi told her that tapping their nose means that she should go on with the conversation, they boys had not noticed Mimi's response, so Kunika thought about it. Go on with what? Did that mean say yes? Kunika had no idea. But she wanted to sound as if she said this out of pity. So Jin wouldn't think too much himself, of course. *of COURSE*

"Araseo." she said finally.

"Give me a moment." said Jin. He walked to the nearest empty classroom. And he came back out after about ten seconds. Nobody would be able to guess what he was doing in there.


OH MY GOD. Kunika said yes. YES! Maybe she is my friend. My new best friend. I don't know. Maybe I'll be able to find this long-lost friend of hers and we'll finally make good friends. I don't know why, but I want to be her friend. A star like me, wanting to be friends with a low-standard like her, Namjoon would say. I actually went into a classroom and started doing my happy dance. I look like an air hostess pointing to the exits on a plane while marching. It's my thing. But I'm not ashamed of it. I just didn't want the boys or Kunika to see me do it. I didn't like her, no way, I just wanted her to like me. Not like that, as a friend. And I think I might've just cracked her shield.

"God knows whatever you were doing in there." Kunika said, laughing.

She has a beautiful laugh, thought Jimin. And to believe a day or two ago he was going to hurt her. Physically. He might like her, but he wasn't going to tell her that just yet.

BTS were known for being heartless troublemakers. But now it looked like Jin and Jimin were going to change that.

 But now it looked like Jin and Jimin were going to change that

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