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"If someone is after us, this is where we hide, because after what you just did, those boys are going to chase us down." Mina said.

"I'm sorry Mina. But I wasn't going to just let them stand over everyone."

"No. What you did was the right thing. I'm proud of you. By the way, call me Mimi. It's my nickname."

"Thanks. And okay, Mimi." they smiled at each other before they saw two angry girls storm in.

"BTS just said they're going to kill you *Kunika mumbled,"I wasn't expecting any less of them."*, and WHY did you do that? Don't mess with my boyfriend!"

"Your Jin's girlfriend?" Mimi said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, not yet! But-"

"Who's Jin, may I ask?" Kunika interrupted.

"The guy who you KICKED!" said the mad blonde.

"How did YOU hurt him anyway?" the mad ginger joined in.

"What do you mean? Is he a wrestler or something? They probably just prance around in pink clothes-"

"Don't make fun of his favourite colour!" said the blonde again. Kunika burst into laughter.

"His favourite colour- is pink? *laughs even more*" Kunika couldn't stop giggling.

"I JUST said don't make fun of it! Let's go Hun." the ginger nodded, and they left, angrier than when they came in.

"How can a boy band be so arrogant? I thought they should be role-models for six-year-old's or something."

"Nice sense of humour. That's not how it works with popular bands in Korea. Maybe where you're from but-"

"We don't have pop idols in India. And besides I'm half Korean. My mum is from Gracheon."

"That's not the point. We need to fix this. Make a deal with them or something. They can ruin our lives, Kuni."

"Kuni? Is that the best you can think of? *laughs*"

"I'm serious."

"How can you expect me to be serious when you just called me Kuni?" Kunika said, still laughing.

"I know what to do."

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