The woman handed the child to me. I held my son gingerly hoping not to let the bundle of joy fall out of my arms. His tiny fingers held my own as I took him to Becca. She accepted our child willingly as I placed him in her arms.

'He is so beautiful.' She cooed kissing his forehead. The baby struggled to open his eyes and when he did they were silvery grey. His gaze was almost blinding. He looked at me as if he knew who I was. I touched his cheek with my index finger and he moved against it.

'He is perfect.' I stated not wanting this experience to end.

Becca's grandparents and Tessa gathered around as we watched our son take in the world for the first time.

'He is so adorable my grandbaby'. Becca's Nan said reaching to touch the child.

'You did well my princess, he is handsome.' Becca's grandfather said giving her a kiss on the forehead and patting me on the back.

'I can't wait to tell the girls about him. He is so cute. Ann's daughter would be his perfect match.' Tessa was saying and she and Becca laughed.

Becca jerked forcefully and I quickly took the baby from her as she screamed.

'What is going on?' I asked as Becca screamed again.

The midwife collected another towel and shouted, 'Push!'

I stood there holding my son as another child came out. This one screamed immediately.

'Twins?' I was in shock. I looked at Becca and we smiled at each other. We had twins. Two boys.

I handed our first son to Becca as I cut the cord of the second before he was placed in my arms. He opened his eyes and he too gave me a piercing silvery grey stare.

Becca lay sleeping in my arms as our boys slept. They had suckled well getting a grip of feeding for themselves. I did not want to leave them.

I kissed my mate's head a she snuggled deeper in my embrace. She opened her eyes and we stared at each other

'I love you.' She said and I held her tightly.

'I love you Rebecca Wyatt but if you ever pull a stunt like this again I will have to chain you in our bedroom.' I told her seriously and she smiled.

'Do you have a chain fetish? BDSM?' she teased and I shook my head.

'Here I was hoping motherhood would have softened you.' She laughed.

'Mmm only one thing softens me and that when we you make me cum.'

'Becca!' I said in shock, 'Not in front of the boys.'

'They are too young to understand plus I missed you.' She said adjusting herself so that we could kiss. 'If I hadn't just delivered two eight pound babies out of me, I would have jumped your bones a long time ago.'

'I can't believe you just said that.' I mean being without Becca for six months had been torture. She was my mate my love. I wrapped her tighter in my arms. She means so much to me and this time I was going to make sure she did not disappear again.

'What shall we name them?' she asked.

'I mean was prepared for one now we have two. I never really thought of names really. I was more worried that you were alright.' I admitted. 'Your disappearing acts aged me tremendously. Look at all my wrinkles.'

Becca took my face in her hands, 'Stop fishing for compliments Blade, you're only twenty two; there isn't a wrinkle in sight.' She kissed me on the nose.

'I love you.' It felt really good to say those words. I meant every letter; every syllable. 'You grew on me, you minx. Do you know how I called you when we first met?'

Becca smiled, 'Witch? B%tch? Evil queen? I shook my head at her guesses.

'Not even close, Cruella de Ville my green eyed witch. Somehow you used your magical powers to get me to fall in love with you but I would not change a thing. I think what happened between us makes us love each other more.'

'Aww my romantic man, you seriously want me to jump your bones right now. Cruella huh? I wasn't that bad was I?' Becca pouted. 'I will let it slide only because I love you and you gave me two precious bundles today. They're just so perfect.' She looked across at our sons asleep in their shared crib.

'For now why don't we call them Silver and Grey. Baby one had more silvery eyes and baby two his eyes are more grey. I guess the prophecy was right but we had twins. I did not even know I was carrying twins but somehow I think Queen Kismet did. She was not surprised when Grey was born.' Becca was silent a moment.

'I kinda like the names, why don't we keep them for good.' Becca nodded. Great we just named our boys.' We high fived each other.

'This whole fairy thing is kinda scary I mean your friend Tessa? She sprouted wings and transported me here. Fairies are really powerful, I'm pleased they are on our side.' I told my mate looking at our sons in the wrapped bundles.

'Queen Kismet says we have to stay hidden until the babies are older. I hate the fact our children's lives are already under threat. Did you find anything about who is trying to kill us?' I did not want her worried so soon after giving birth but the reality was there and we had to face it.

'The only thing we know is that it is not vampires or merpeople. It has to be fairies. So there is a rogue fairy out there but it is clever enough to disguise itself.' I told her and she looked at me.

'The queen realised that but since they have abilities to disguise their identities she can't find out who it is. Scary really. That is why she insisted I could not leave here and that we needed the babies born here in a safe place. If you looked for this place you won't find it. It is hidden under some cloak of invisibility.'

'Although I was very angry I am happy all is well with you and the boys. I am also pleased I didn't miss their birth.' I told my mate and she glowed.

'I wouldn't have it any other way. I wanted you there to see the pain I was in the next time you wanted to have unprotected sex.'

'Becca!' I shouted as we settled into a comfortable peacefulness and soon we both fell asleep.

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