Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

                “Uhh…. yup...”  Finn pulls back from the edge of the wide opening, and treats his wife to an un-enthused smile as he sends the mental-image he’d just glimpsed across their Bond. " I believe they already know we’re here

                Angeline scowls as she traces her gaze over the foreign picture in her mind.  It was most definitely the lair that they were searching for.  The naturally-formed antechamber around the corner was nearly circular, both wide and high, and the mid-point of the space almost seemed as if it sloped down into a bowl… though it was somewhat hard to tell, really, thanks to the mounds of bloodied, shredded, and discarded clothes of sacrifices.  “By the Trinity…”

                The black-haired companion offers a bit of a nod as he leans around the corner of the opening again.  Six… clerics you might call them, all clad in crimson, were lined up on the far back wall, each of them staring towards the entrance to the underground lake… clearly waiting for their guestsor that one magical-assassin who had failed in his duties… “So that’s a High Daemon, huh?”

                The blonde caster shakes her head slowly as she slides her mind’s eye over the odd form of the worst class of monster.  Eight metres tall… bug-like in the way that it used it’s elongated, bony appendages to hold itself off of the ground… slick-looking black flesh… and nine glowing-green eyes set on it’s ovoid head.  The body the thing had seemed to be somewhat humanoid… but it still looked like some sick bastard had ripped the arms and leg off of a giant praying mantis, and stuck them onto a person’s torso…  “I wasn’t expecting something so… so…”

                “Amazing?!”  As he trails vision down the odd form of their foe, the wiry apothecary lets out a soft sigh, then glances back to his beautiful bride while raising his brows in hope.  “Hey… could I… dissect it?  I’d love to find out what it’s made of.”

                The blue-eyed mage slowly twists her head over to issue a long, silent stare, then offers her strange husband a snort of derision as she pulls herself from the reservoir’s wall.  “You’re crazy.”

                Finn dips his head down under the weight of the foreign emotions streaming through their magickal connection, and pushes out his lip as he starts to follow along behind his mate.  “It was just a suggestion… no-one’s seen this kind of thing in a century…”

                “Just… talk to Jonas…”  Angeline takes a tight grip on her handle of her rapier as she slowly strides into the antechamber, and begins to gather all of the Power that she can.  With their appearance, the crimson-robed figures were now arraying themselves in a loose battle-formation… but it was easy to see that they held no fear.  No hesitations.  These were individuals that held absolute confidence in their circumstances… and considering that they had a High Daemon standing between themselves and a single Bound pairing… perhaps their lack of concern was justified

                “WELCOME… Knight of Aegis… Mage of the Order…”

                The young blonde shuffles to a stop at the edge of the massive bowl, and sweeps her gaze across the crimson sextuplets before looking to the thousands upon thousands of discarded vestments below.  “Do you… have any remorse?”

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