Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

                “Fuck… whose turn is it?”  Angeline pulls herself only slightly back from their fully-wrapped embrace on their broken bed, and glowers towards the sound of continued thumping coming from the front door.  Goddess damn it.  Only three months into their Bond, and they were still regularly getting disturbed by all of her damned juniors in the Order.  Bringing un-wanted meals and supplies.  When she could actually tear herself away from her husband for more than ten minutes at a time, she was going to give Jonas shit

                “I, uh… can’t really go and answer it at the moment…”  Finn flashes a wide smile, and gently rolls his hips from underneath his gorgeous wife’s mounted position, which sends a double-sense of absolute bliss through his being.  Primarily from his first-hand experience, and the secondly as a reverberated feeling from the Bond tucked back in the corner of his mind.

                The blonde caster’s hands curl into fists on her husband’s chest, and she fights against a prolonged shudder as the sensations of his subtle action echoes around in her skull.  Nnnndamnit.  “S-stop… I-I’ve gotta… see what they want.”  Sliding up and off her lover’s expansive length, she then lets out a heavy sigh at the compounded feeling of being empty and cold, and snatches their discarded linens from the floor to wrap around her frame.  “Nn… come with me.”

                The tall apothecary frowns at the overwhelming sense of incompleteness, and offers a quick nod as he pulls himself up from the well-worn mattress to slide in behind his soul-mate.  Shuffling down the hall is a bit of a chore, but they finally make it to their goal, and throw open the solid wooden panel before they each gasp in surprise.  “R-Ruthie!”

                Raising her brows at the sight that greets her, the short, curly-haired Eminent mage-student trails her gaze down, then back up the swath of white bed-sheets before looking between the pair of features above.  “Took you long enough…”

                The blue-eyed arcanist shakes away a foreign sense of guilt leaking through her connection, and draws the linens a little more tightly around them to make sure her hubby couldn’t escape.  Or couldn’t be stolen.  “W-what the Hell do you want?”

                Ruth snorts out a breath of annoyance, and quickly stalks past the Bound-pairing.  “I’ve been commanded by Master Jonas to fetch you…”

                Angeline struggles to spin them around as she glares towards the grey-robed back of the smaller and younger caster.  “What the Hell are you talking about?!  Fetch us why?!”

                The brown-haired teen shuffles to a stop half-way down the hall, and issues a heavy sigh coupled with a prolonged shudder at the thought as she turns to face the older couple.  “It’s… happened again.”

                Finn squeezes his eyes shut as a flood of anxiety begins to pour into his essence, and he’s forced to slide a palm up to press against his forehead in an effort to clear his mind.  “Ugh… w-what… what happened?”

                The golden-haired femme feels her body-temperature drop by at least a dozen degrees, and fights against a full-length tremble as she stares at the look of concealed terror on her junior’s face.  “H-High… Daemon…”

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