Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

                “Master Warren?”  On a nearly-empty field outside of the sprawling Blue Fortress compound, Angeline shuffles to a stop on the morning dew-covered grass and casts a nervous glance to the five Bound pairings checking their equipment.  “You called for me?”  Tearing her gaze away from the tense atmosphere surrounding the combat teams, she looks down to the High Magus and knits her brows together in worry.  He was the most powerful mage of their era, Jonas Warren, a tiny old man standing barely up to her shoulder, with a completely-bald pate, and a beard long enough to almost skim the ground.  He was also the one that put in a hasty request for her to hurry towards the Summoning Area.

                “Eh?  Oh.  Did I?”  The tiny old male raises his thick, furry eyebrows as he looks up to the beautiful young blonde.  “Who are you again, dear?”

                After snorting out a breath of derision, the golden-haired caster folds her arms across her smaller chest, and narrows her gaze down to a fine point.  “Don’t you even try to play me for a fool, Jonas.”

                Issuing a loud laugh that makes the pairings a short distance away twitch nervously, the head of the Order then waives away his adoptive great-great-great-grandchild’s hostility.  Damned Angie never let him have any fun when she was around.  Ahh, but she knew how sharp his mind still was.  “Yes, yes… of course I called you out here, damnit.  Who else would dare name themselves the High Magus, eh?”

                The blue-eyed femme looks to the assembled Knights and mages to watch then plan for whatever lay ahead of them.  “So… High Daemon?  You want me to lead the team?”

                Rolling his eyes at the thought, the tiny bearded dwarf then reaches inside the pocket of his robe, and passes over a small notice.  “We received that only a dozen minutes ago from a pairing that was sent to intercept an unknown Daemon in Serenity Valley…”

                Angeline almost drops the hand-sized parchment as the name of the town hits her like a blow to the gut.  “W-what?!”

                “Ohhh, I thought that was the place you mentioned…”  Jonas conceals a small smirk as he peeks up to watch the child’s horrified reaction.  “We were sent a letter from Birdling’s Flat to the north of Serenity late last night, telling of a Daemon that had gone on a rampage there… I dispatched your friends Hilda and Gawain, as they were the closest… and it was Hilda that sent that to us.”

                The golden-follicled teenager swallows down her flaring anxieties, and brings the shaking letter up for inspection. 

                                Attention:  High Magus Warren

                                Hilda Mueller

                                Dispatched to Serenity Valley

‘Unknown’ Daemon proven to be Wrathful type. 

Daemon DEAD. 

Five deceased discovered so far, may be more in rubble of buildings.

BRINGING BACK ONE CASULTY; High Magus will be needed for expedient Purging.

No other Daemons in area.  Village inhabitants scattered to surrounding areas.

Aegis and Order: First LightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon