Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

                Angeline issues a slight nod towards Captain of the Guard, then spins on her heel to re-join her companion on the stone-paved street outside of the small garrison.  Slowing to a stop on the top-most step, she’s forced to search through the crowd shuffling along, then inclines her chin towards the waiving giant at the opposite side of the roadway before merging into the human traffic.

                Pulling himself up from his perch atop an old crate, Samuel follows his Master’s movement through the well-dressed masse of citizens as she makes her way over, and offers a warm smile once she finally comes to a halt at his front.  “Will they be able to find the owners of those items?”

                “Mm.  The Captain believes so, anyways…”  the blue-eyed mage lowers the half-veil attached to her chapeau, then turns a little ways around to scrutinize the latest fashions on display.  At the moment, they were in the entertainment district of Downsview, a city of around twenty-eight thousand people, all of whom seemed to be crowding the bloody streets in the late-evening.  “They’ve gotten a number of reports over the past few months of bandits robbing people in the surrounding areas… but it seems that they moved around so much that it was hard for them to know where they’d strike next.”

                “I see… I overheard the leader of that band mentioning something to that effect…”  the wiry confidant follows his Mistress’ gaze, and watches the blend of garish, overly-pompous fashions moving slowly along the road.  Now why in the Goddess’ green earth would any self-respecting man wear leggings so tight that it prominently displayed the tiny package of privates he held?  Was that supposed to be alluring to the opposite-sex?  Or perhaps to show that he had no fear of being ridiculed?  Whatever the case might be, the clearly-wealthy male might want to change where he purchased his clothing

                Grinning at the horrified expression on her aide’s features as he stares out into the crowd, the young caster then clears her throat softly to interrupt his thoughts, and moves to collect her smallest valise from the stack beside him.  “Well… our part in that affair has finished.  There was a reward posted for the capture or killing of those thieves… I told the Captain to donate the funds to the city’s orphanage.  Any problems with that?”

                The long-haired companion raises his brows in surprise of his Master’s statement.  Fore-going a reward, and donating the monies towards those in need?  “N-no… of course not.”

                “Good.  I didn’t think you’d object.”  Angeline’s smile grows wider as she turns to head along the stone-topped route.  Waiting until her guard-dog has caught up, she then explains her reasonings.  “As a member of the Order, I’m afforded a stipe-end to cover the costs of my expenses.  Most oft, the places that I visit are all too keen to have me there, and rarely charge any fees for lodgings or meals… I’ve actually had the same twenty pounds in my purse for over five months now, without the need to spend anything.”

                Samuel offers an absent nod, and pulls his brows together as he digests the information.  It made sense, at least.  If Mistress Deglace was there to investigate Daemons, of which even one could slaughter a number of townsfolk… then the proprietors of the businesses would be only too glad to help out where they could.  However… “What about… after?  When you feel your career is at an end?  You won’t be able to live for free then.”

Aegis and Order: First Lightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن