Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

                “It’s customary, isn’t it?”  Finn treats his new bride to a wide smile as she finishes waiving to her new family standing a good ten metres back from the freshly-opened Gate through space and time. “To carry you across the threshold?”

                “Not through this, damnit.  It’s supposed to be through the doorway of our home… and you did that last night.”  Angeline huffs out a breath of annoyance, and stoops to collect two of the empty travelling-cases.  These had been loaded-down with gifts for Samuel’s family, as well as the elders of Serenity.  Apparently there was a tradition where, if one of the hamlet’s residents was marrying an out-sider, that individual had to show their appreciation to the council.  It still sounded like a scam, though... “Just hurry up.  I only put a third of the Power into making this portal… so I just hope we don’t get trapped in the void between planes…”

                Jonas chuckles softly from within his newly hand-knitted muffler that the gorgeous mother-to-be had made him.  Bloody thing was thrice the length of his body, but the sentiment that went into crafting this item was almost palpable.  “Fine work, Angie.  Another three or four dozen attempts, and you’ll have it mastered.”

                “Shut up.”  The golden-haired wife narrows her gaze to scrutinize the shifting veil, then draws in a steady breath before stepping through.  Since she’s not immediately torn asunder or stricken with a bout of the plague, her anxieties quickly float out of her body, and she hastens her pace towards the other end of the silvery corridor.  Goddess… what an eventful couple of days in Serenity… and now they were on their way back to the Blue Fortress in order to be Bound

                At least the wedding she’d had was a lot less nerve-wracking than she had expected… and the locals had certainly never seen anything like it, thanks to her Head Magus’ tampering with the venue.  The bloody old goat had turned an entire field into a veritable Paradise, full of illusionary palm-trees, sandy beaches, and full sea stretching off to the horizon.  The heat he had generated in the area hadn’t been a mere vision, however… it really had been a tropical summer’s warmth… and she’d really appreciated it, too, since the dress that Sarah had ordered for her was easier to describe in what it did cover, rather than what it concealed

                The matrimonial frock was absolutely stunning, however… made all that much more fetching by her own magicks.  It was a virginal-yellow, back-less save for a single thin strap across her shoulder-blades, had a minimal train that followed a few feet behind as she walked, and had been adorned with shimmering strands of golden and silver threads at the bust-line and at the cuffs of her sheer sleeves.  It… wasn’t really the type of thing that she’d always imaged she’d be wearing during a wedding… but she certainly wasn’t about to complain.  She had the chance to realize one of her childhood DREAMS, damnit.  One that she probably never would have gotten to experience if she hadn’t met Samuel

                The blue-eyed mage lets out a soft sigh as she glances over her shoulder to watch her tiny Master trading jokes with her lithe husband.  He’d looked grand, too, standing at the front of the aisle in a black waistcoat, frilly white shirt, and dyed-white velvet leggings… Goddess… they’d probably had the same expressions of shock when they locked gazes from opposite ends of the walkway… she really didn’t think he would look so dashing decked-out like that… honestly, she'd never expected him appear sexier than when he was in a tight suit of leather

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