Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

                Sarah silently steps through the entryway of her cousin’s home, and eases the door shut before panning her gaze from one part of the hallway to the other.  It was now almost mid-day, and the normal time that she would stop by… but she wanted to surprise him.  Besides, she had this lovely fresh-start, and she wasn’t about to waste it!  She’d treat him the exact same was as she had when they were in their early teens... which had been the ages when they had been madly in love… at times…

                From his ages of 12 to 14, 16 to 16 ½, 17 ½ to 18 ¾ and 19 ¼ to his 20th birthday, really… all of the time before, in-between, and after had belonged to Adelay.  That stupidly-beautiful girl had been a full year older than herself, and in such a small village, that meant that they were perpetual rivals and best friends.  But that also meant that they had to try really hard to get Finny’s attentions, since he was over three years older than herself, and more than two years older than Addie.

                Slipping out of her shoes and leaving them at beside the front door, the black-haired woman peeks into the apothecary’s office, grinning as she only spies her in-attentive sister with her nose in a thick book, then starts to creep towards her friend’s bedroom.  Being so much younger than their love-interest meant that they did a few things a little earlier than perhaps they should have… but Goddess did they ever have fun doing itEspecially making love.  Geeze… the amount of times that herself and Finn, or Finn and Adelay had done such naughty things… her cousin probably didn’t get a single night’s rest from the age of fourteen onward.

                Luckily, whatever potent medicines that Finnigan had made up for them on a daily basis had allowed the two girls not to get pregnant… although, in hind-sight, she might have preferred not taking those bitter powders with her morning meal.  Hmm… although, she’d been able to have a lot more love-making sessions with him because of it.  Ehn, at any rate, things were going fine until stupid Finn up and decided that, once and for all, he was going to spend the rest of his days with Addie

                The slim twenty-three year-old peeks around the corner, and seeing nothing out of the ordinary, starts to sneak towards the bathing area as a wicked grin twists her lips.  On the day that Finn had told her of his choice, she had been absolutely devastated, and left to run away from home for a full week.  She’d found herself two towns to the west, in Abbotsford, where she had met a kindly old man that took her in.  He was long since widowed, and had no heirs to speak of, so he treated her like a long-lost daughter, and had listened to all of her concerns, gave her advice, and told her hilarious anecdotes about his own life and times as a young person searching for love…

                Frowning at the emptiness of the bathroom, the five-foot-eleven Sarah then whirls and back-tracks her route.  Mister Asa Harrington, born and raised in Abbotsford, had quickly become a good friend, and even after she returned to Serenity, had communicated with him by thrice-weekly letters until about eleven months ago.  When they had suddenly ceased, she knew that the worst had happened, and had made the trek back to his home-town, arriving just in time for his funeral.  At first, the other mourners were appalled to have such a young and beautiful woman amongst their grey-haired ranks, yet at the very first mention of her name, they visibly relaxed and showered her with smiles.  Apparently whenever her Mister Harrington met with his old friends, he just couldn’t help but lavish all manner of praise upon her…

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