Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

                Finn issues a heavy sigh as he pushes open the door to his previous-self’s abode, and quickly shuffles out of the way to admit his two house-guests.  “Goddess be damned…”

                “Oh, come on.  It’s not that bad.”  Angeline giggles as she brushes the snow off of her shoulders, then holds out her twice-gloved hands for her fiancée to deal with.  “So you got laughed at a little.  It’s no big deal.”

                “Uh huh… you’re not the one sitting naked on a damned mule.”  The long-haired apothecary lets out another long breath, and stuffs the two pairs of mitts in his pockets before leaning down to un-button his lover’s over-coat.  “The worst part is… it’s not even me who did that…”

                “Sure looks like you.”  Jonas chuckles as he slowly releases the magicks flowing into his enchantment, and allows the stacked luggage to settle on the floor without a sound.  “Surely you can appreciate the reasons why they chose to honour you in that way...”

                “Honestly… I’d rather not think about them.”  The tall Captain tilts to the side in order to peek around his fiancée, and starts to smile as his flame-haired Kitten sprints towards them from the kitchen.  “Hey, Katie!”

                Katherine plants her feet on the polished wooden floors, and thanks to her thick woollen socks, fully slides past the visiting trio, coming to a stop at the door leading to the bedroom.  “Finny!!  AngieAnd… some… uh… you’re new.”

                The Head Magus flashes a wicked smile as he trails his gaze down the young girl’s thick forest-coloured sweater and long navy skirt.  “I’m also very rich... and looking for a bride, if you-“

                “Dirty old pervert.”  The blonde caster takes a step over and swats the fur-lined cap off of her superior’s bald pate, then snorts out a breath of derision for good measure.  “You bloody well better behave yourself, or I’m opening up another Gate, and sending you right back!”

                The red-headed apothecary-trainee sets a wry smile on her lips at the look of dejection that settles onto the old man’s features.  “Uh… hi.  I’m Finnigan’s second wife, Katherine O’Malley.”

                “Goddess be damned, you are.”  Samuel sends a frown over his shoulder as he lifts a trio of heavy coats from his proper fiancée’s frame.  “You’re fifth, if at all.”

                “F-fifth?!”  The flame-haired teenager sends a horrified stare up to her handsome cousin, then shakes away her shock before stepping forward.  “W-what’re you talking about?!  I’ve got a contract that-“

                “Oh, Goddess… here she goes again.”  The long-haired Duke snorts out a noise of amusement as he hangs the vestments on an iron peg set into the wall.  “Just how many times over the month that I was here did you try to make me sign one of those things?”

                “Hmph.”  Katie folds her arms across her chest as she pointed stares into the office.  “A coupleMaybe.”

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