Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

                As he feels the grogginess slowly lifting from his mind, Samuel allows his dark-brown eyes to slide open, and he stares up at the available sliver of painted-white ceiling panels.  He felt tired.  More exhausted than he’d ever known.  All he wanted to do was drift back to sleep.  To deny the existence of reality until it better suited his desires.  But a small snort, followed by an almost-imperceptible snore sounds at his right ear, stirring his mind to be more alert.

                With his gaze incrementally expanding, he first becomes aware of the comfort under his body, then the fact that something heavy was resting on his chest.  Gathering the necessary energies to lift his head up, he then purses his lips in confusion at the dainty bare arm draped over his equally-nude torso, and follows the limb the short distance to its owner.

                Puzzled as to the reasons why his Master was currently tucked against his side and sound asleep, the long-haired confidant slowly pans his eyes back up to the ceiling, and allows his head to rest against, what he assumes to be, a pillow made up of the softest white clouds, and perhaps, some fluffy bunnies or other cute, furry animals.  Ah… that’s right.  The experiences that had been pulled out of his addled mind.  That had driven him into unconsciousness…

                Adelay Elizabeth Shuemaeker.  His wife.  The dead woman that he’d carried through a torrential down-pouring of rain… her body broken under the steel-capped wheels of a lavishly-appointed carriage.  By the three Goddesses… his heart still ached just from the memory.  He couldn’t remember anything other than his former mate’s name… nor anything else of his own circumstances from those days. He at least knew that he had, at one moment, been married… and that the small hamlet surrounded by fields of wheat where he glimpsed a fifteen year-old Addie was a likely place to search for his roots… but before that, however…

                He chews on his lower lip for a time, searching his mind for a logical course of action for his current predicament.  He could feel that he was completely nude… and he could easily see that his Master was at least wearing a sleeveless night-gown.  Okay.  That was a small consolation.  But how did they end up this way?  He was fairly sure that they hadn’t imbibed in any alcohol during the course of the previous evening.  And this definitely wasn’t the usual way he would fall asleep at night.  Nor had he ever slept in the same room as this beautiful girl.  And certainly not naked, save for the trio of rings held on a thin chain at his neck

                Snorting out a pair of breaths, Angeline then coughs and clears her throat.  Pressing herself tightly against the warmth at her side, she then issues a loud purr, and trails her right hand against the silky fur under her fingers.  Mmm… her puppy had such a soft coat.  So smooth.  So warm.  And Sammy was just the cutest… uhm… eh?

                Wincing as his Mistress scrapes her fingernail across his nipple, Samuel then peeks off to his right, and catches sight of a half-open pair of light-blue eyes.  Holding himself completely still, he waits for the girl’s reaction, fully expecting her to scream, and perhaps cast a spell that would engulf his entire body in un-dying flame…

                “Mm… yer awake.”  The golden-haired caster purses her lips for a few moments, then allows her head to flop back down against the pillow as she pulls her personal-warming-device more tightly against her frame.  “Nn… go back t’sleep.  S’early.”

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