Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

                “Angie… come on.  Go and get some rest.”  The perverted mage-physician Patrick lets out a soft sigh from his position at the foot of the cot, and shakes his head slowly at the focused woman clutching her Bond’s hand.  “You’re not doing any good here…”

                Angeline continues to completely ignore the bloody quack, and merely presses her lips against the back of her husband’s hand as she tracks his serene features.  Fucking Patrick.  Dumb bastard.  Like he could understand, damnit…

                The bespectacled arcanist-doctor sets a terse frown upon his lips, then offers a shrug as he moves towards the lightly-flapping linen doors of the private tent.  Bah.  Whatever.  Do want you want.  Ducking under the low opening, he then pushes his wire frames back up on his nose, and is afforded a dozen steps away from the source of his frustrations before running in to his commander.  “Oh.  Master Warren.”

                Jonas shuffles to a stop amid the torch-light, and nods at the greeting as he peers around the physician to the small canvas pavilion set away from the rest of the head-quarters.  “How does Samuel fare, Patrick?  Has he awoken?”

                “HmphNo.  And that bloody Angie still refuses to leave his side…”

                The tiny leader of the Order lifts a terse glare in a warning in response to the displayed annoyance.  Naturally, those that hadn’t gone through the Ritual could never hope to understand the connection between two pure souls.  “Have you any idea as to why their Bond would become silent?”

                The brown-haired male shoves his hands into the pockets of his plain-grey robes, and heaves his thin shoulders in an un-caring shrug.  “Who’s to say?  I’ve never heard of this sort of thing happening before.  I mean… I’ve healed the damage to his leg from where that bloody spike lanced through… but otherwise, Samuel is completely healthy.”  He lets out a long sigh, and glances back over his shoulder for a moment.  “I could speculate that he obtained some residual head-trauma after falling through a roof and two floors… but I see no reason why their Bond would be severed…”

                After clasping his hands behind his back, the ancient magus then tightly purses his lips in worry for his adoptive grand-daughter and her mate.  “Head-trauma wouldn’t explain why a connection between two souls was muted, damnit…”

                Patrick snorts out a breath of annoyance, and gives another shrug before starting to move off to the triage-area.  “Hell… he took a bullet to the brain, didn’t he?”

                “Hmph…”  Jonas sends a scowl to the back of the boy-doctor, then shuffles in through the opening of the tent, coming to a stop beside his sweet grand-daughter.  “Angie, dearest…”

                The blonde femme peeks towards the High Magus, then immediately returns her attention to her bridegroom as she nuzzles her cheek against his fingers.  “I’m not leaving his side, damnit…”

                “I wasn’t about to make you.”  The short old caster displays a pained grin as he reaches up to grip the young girl’s shoulder in support.  “But you should get some rest.  At least grab another cot and set it up here…”

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