Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

                Finn shoves the tall, wide, and bloody heavy wooden door of the church inward, then offers a rather loud huff of annoyance once the creaking of hinges cease.  “You cheated, though!  So I don’t see why I should have to cater to both yours, and Sarah’s every whim when we visit!”

                Angeline issues a victorious snicker of amusement, and trails a delicate hand along her mate’s exposed, muscular arm as she glides past.  “Sarah helped me to win… and you’re being a rather sore loserespecially for someone that held such confidence in the beginning…”

                The black-haired swordsman pans his gaze across the dozens of shattered wooden pews, then up to the gaping hole in the dome from where the massive bronze bell of the now-collapsed tower had fallen through.  “Come on… it’s not my bloody fault that three of them fled into the damned pond… what was I supposed to doSwim after them?”

                The blonde caster treats her lover to a small shrug as she slowly moves up the central aisle, towards the thirty-foot-high statues depicting the Holy Trinity that stood behind a wide, raised altar.  Her foot-falls were echoing loudly around the wide-open and empty space surrounded by polished stone columns, giving her location away to the enemy that clearly already knew they were here…  ‘Hey…’

                ‘Oh… mind-talk now, huh?’

                ‘No… keep chattering… just a warning, though… this place was used for ritual magicks fairly recently…’  the blue-eyed mage kicks at a pebble and forces out a laugh.  “Well… it doesn’t matter, right?  Even with those three, you still would have lost.”

                “Hmph… not very fair that you’re stealing my accuracy for your little icicles.”  Taking a route that brings him around to the right side of the space, the wiry Captain lets out a long sigh and shakes his head as he sends through a warning.  ‘There’s people here… up top, in the balcony…’

                ‘Yah, I hear them…’ Angie comes to a shuffled halt at the mid-point of the aisle and places her hands on her hips as she gazes up at the blank features of the statues.  The ones depicting the Goddesses were always without faces… and it freaked her out.  “Well we’re a team, aren’t we?  And married?  So by all rights, half of what you have is mine anyways…”

                “If you want half of the powdered roots that enhance men’s sexual performance… then be my guest…”  Finn keeps his outward-appearance relaxed as he moves past the level of his stalled wife, though holds himself at the ready to instantly haul out his blades.  ‘It’s cold over here…’

                The blonde mage snorts out a breath of amusement as she peeks towards her mate.  ‘It’s a church.  Of course it’s cold.’  Growing tired of the games that they seemed to be playing, she spins back around, and lets out a soft sigh as she sends a frown to the choir-box set above the entrance.  “Oi!  Why don’t you just come out, already?”

                The black-haired Duke shuffles to a halt at the side of a large stone pillar, and watches a full dozen humans draped in crimson robes move to the front of the balcony.  With the deep hoods that were in place over their heads, he couldn’t even tell the genders of the individuals… except for one particularly chesty woman on the end… geeze… wouldn’t breasts that large cause back pain?

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