Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

                After moving from the office to the kitchen and lighting a cooking-fire to boil some water in preparation for the next round of visitors, Katherine then bids her cousin and his… guest to sit in the living-area as she started to gather ingredients for a large meal.  She still couldn’t wrap her head around what she’d both been told and what she had seen.  Finny losing all of his memories, yet he was still completely-versed in the applications of herbology… and the beautiful woman being able to conjure flames out of thin air, yet not having a single burn-mark on her flawless skin.  Maybe her parents or her older sister could make a little more sense out of it all…

                “Are you sure you don’t need any help, uh… Ka… Katherine?”  Samuel raises a brow and tucks the right-side of his bangs back behind his ear as he watches his… apprentice flourish a large knife to menace a mass of potatoes.

                “Hmph.  You’re a worse cook than I am.”  The green-eyed youth narrows her gaze towards her cousin on one of the sofas before sliding it over to the blonde woman on another.  She probably didn’t make anything for him.  Not in that dress.  Goddess… city folk and their… fashions.  What was wrong with simplicity?  Why all the frills and… lace trimmings?  Did she want to look like a doll?  Hell, she couldn’t do any proper work all decked-out like that.  And why a veil?  Was she in mourningTch.

                Glancing over his shoulder at a hearty knock against the front door of the cottage, the long-haired doctor lets out a soft sigh of thanks for having at least something to-

                “DON’T!”  Slamming the knife against the countertop, the auburn-haired youth scrambles out of the kitchen and levels a finger of warning towards her teacher to keep him in place.  “I’ll get it.”  Moving quickly down the hall and opening the front door to find her parents and sister, she then ducks quickly out of the home, and gently shuts the portal behind her. “W-we’ve got some problems…”

                The child’s short mother, Lenora O’Malley pulls her brows together in worry as she stares into the similar colour of green eyes. “W-what’s wrong, sweetie?” 

                Katherine displays a frown to her five-foot-four, rail-thin matron before glancing to the stupidly-tall other two.  At five-foot-eleven each, both her kinda-fatter father and… tch, perfect sister certainly towered above most of the other people in Serenity.  Except for Finnigan, of course.  But it was obvious that her twenty-three year-old sis took after their dad’s side of the family.  Jet-black hair, deep-set brown eyes, high cheek-bones… Sarah was lucky.  Except for the fact that she had Adelay as a rival.  “F-Finny… uhm… k-kind of… shot himself… in the head…”

                Lucas O’Malley snorts out a noise of derision as narrows his stern gaze down to his air-headed daughter.  “What nonsense are you spouting now?  Everyone in town saw him plain as day.”

                The flame-haired youth places her hands on her hips as she throws her own practiced glare upwards.  “He didn’t die!  But he… he says that… that he lost all of his memories…”

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