Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

                “Uh huh.  We’ll meet you down stairs tomorrow morning.  I’m setting up a bloody ward, just so you can’t sneak in here and peep on Samuel.”  Angeline treats the older mage in the hall to a wicked smile, then raises a hand in parting before closing and latching the door.  In tracing a finger over the gilded wooden panel, she uses the oils trapped within her skin to trace the design of a protection charm, then activates it with a toothy grin.  “There.”

               “That’s… not really necessary, is it?”  Samuel treats his Master to a pained look as he watches her return to the sofa, taking the seat beside him.  “They’re good people… so they certainly wouldn’t-“

                “Oh… Hildie wouldTrust me.”  The golden-haired caster lets out a heavy sigh as she pulls her feet up onto the couch, then flops completely over to rest her head onto her companion’s lap.  “What a day… chasing after bloody Daemon is always exhausting…”

                Smiling sweetly down towards the head on his thigh, the wiry confidant gently smoothes out her silky locks, and plays over his memories of the terrifying encounter.  “You were really impressive today, Mistress.  I hadn’t realized how powerful you were…”

                “Mmmm… well… I was more impressed by you.  You didn’t come close to dying at all.”

                Wincing as he glances off to the side, then long-haired swordsman fails in trying to understand how she’d arrived at that conclusion.  “Y-yes, well… there were some… harrowing moments, to be sure.”

                The blue-eyed femme grins as she takes a side-long peek up to her handsome consort.  “Uh huh.  How’d it feel to be in something other than your leather armour?”

                “Well… it felt… faster, actually.  Those leathers are fairly thick… hadn’t really realized it until I was wearing the mail and some lighter clothes…”  Samuel offers a hint of a shrug as he rakes his fingertips through her blonde follicles.  “It was the swords that took a little getting-used-to.  The power they provide was rather different… but probably necessary against monsters like that.”

                Angeline gives a little nod from above the warm lap.  “Mm… the Knights train exclusively with longer blades… though they sometimes back them up with off-hand daggers and the like.  They typically don’t pick up a claymore, though… they need to be sublimely agile, since the additional weight really holds them back.  Gawain is a bit of an exception, however, since he literally wrote the training-manual for hunting Daemons with a two-handed great-sword.”

                “Oh… now that is impressive.”  The lean male offers a soft chuckle as he looks towards the windows, and the colours of the day’s dying sun beyond.  “So where are we headed to next?  Or do you have to wait for your next missive from the Order?”

                Staring towards the empty opposite couch in silence for a while, the golden-haired girl then pulls herself up from her formerly-comfortable position, and shifts to sit up properly at the other end of the sofa.  “L-let’s, uhm… can we… talk about what we saw last night?  In your memories?”

                Feeling a stab of pain shoot through his heart at the reminder, the pale-face amnesiac is forced to clear his throat at the sudden obstruction.  “S-sure?  If… you want to.”

Aegis and Order: First LightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora