Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

                Angeline lets out a soft sigh, and folds her arms across the chest of her thick, woollen overcoat as she watches her fiancée running from one room to the next in their little lover’s-cottage.  “You didn’t forget anything, damnit.  Just hurry up, or Master Jonas is gonna turn us both into newts.”

                “Lies!”  Samuel pokes his head out of the bedroom at the back of the cottage, and sends a wicked smile down the central hallway.  “There’s no possible way that you mages could do that.”

                The blonde caster raises her brows at the comment, and allows a slow, evil grin to creep across her lips.  “Are you sure about that?”

                Blinking twice in response to the question, the long-haired Duke then clears his throat softly, and wisely decides not to press his luck.  “You packed all of your clothes?  I mean… I know we’re only there for two nights, but-“

                “HurryUP.”  The blue-eyed mage sends an icy glare down the hallway, and lets out another soft breath as her mate disappears once again.  Goddess… what an infuriating person to live with.  During the past two months, he’d never sat still for more than ten minutes at a time, and was constantly pacing around to look for something to do.  He’d already packed their bags two weeks ago, in joyful anticipation of their end-of-year trip back to Serenity… but now he was childishly delaying their departure.  “I swear to the Trinity that-“

                “Alright, geeze!”  The tall companion issues a heavy sigh as he clomps his way out of the bedroom, with a pair of large valises in each hand.  “You know… you’re really beautiful when you’re angry…”

                “Mmhmm… you’ve told me that before…”  Angeline flashes a smile as she puts a shoulder against the front door to push against a steady winter gale.  “No more delays, damnit.  Get that taut arse moving.”

                Finn sets a frown onto his lips, and pauses long enough at his Mistress’ flank so she can loop a hand-knitted muffler around his throat.  It had been sent to him by Sarah last month, after he’d made mention of being sick of the cold already… and she’d sent this garish thing as a jest.  Or, well… he hoped that it was a joke.  The scarf was made with nearly two dozen different colours, and was about twice the length of his body… but he still wore the ugly thing.  Out of spite, though.  And because it was actually kind of warm

                “Alright.  You don’t want gloves?”  The blonde femme pulls a pair of black leather mitts out from her pocket, and since her now barely-visible fiancée shakes his mummified head, she slips them on overtop of her own woollen hand-coverings.  “Mind your step… you don’t need another broken elbow.”

                The long-haired duke huffs out a noise of annoyance against the blowing snow, and starts to trudge through the knee-deep collection that had fallen overnight.  Damned winters at the Blue Fortress were horrible.  No matter how often he went out to shovel a pathway, it would just be blown-over again after twenty minutes… and he now absolutely forbade any use of his live-in lover’s help with her fire magicks… simply because an ice-covered walk-way was a very dangerous thing to traverse.  He’d found that out for himself… and was laughed at by the perverted mage-physician Patrick because of it.  “Oi.  Don’t step on my heels.”

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