Angeline’s lips pull into a frown, and she shakes her head slowly as the Knight-hopefuls move into a tedious thrust-and-sweep drill with their spears.  Damnit… there were only two graduating candidates this year that showed any meagre sense of promise as a Bond-mate.  A slender girl with powerful shoulders supporting twin braids, Gail, or a tall and lanky boy named Mitchell.  Gail seemed to prefer a battle-axe that took a long time to wind up with, while Mitchell enjoyed using a broadsword and a rapier.  In terms of skill, the young man would be better… but the thought of Bonding with a boy sent shivers up her spine…

                It wasn’t that she disliked men or anything.  She’d had normal sex fairly frequently when she had been growing up within these walls.  Why not?  What good was learning a contraceptive-spell at thirteen if she didn’t have the occasion to cast it?  But when it came down to forming her first Bond, she’d chosen a girl with extremely soft skin over a man with greater skill using a blade.  And yet he had still died only a few months ago… so her choice in her partner hadn’t really mattered in the slightest when compared to the Goddesses plans

                “Tch.  Screw this.”  The golden-haired caster pushes herself up to her feet, and brushes off her back-side as she starts to head towards the garrison-proper.  With it being mid-afternoon, there should be at least one letter from Katherine awaiting her.  Perhaps one from Sarah too.  It’d be a nice diversion from her self-deprecating thoughts and brooding over her lack of choices for a new mate.  And, damnit… perhaps she ought to transfer the stock of older correspondence she’d gathered over the past couple of months to the desk of their rightful recipient…

                Whatever was in the note that Samuel had dropped off on his way out of the front gate had sparked a flurry of responses from the denizens of Serenity Valley.  They’d trickled off in the past few weeks, but they were always filled with the sounds of hope.  Still, with him gone, she’d been looking after the replies in her continuing liaison-duties… but she hadn’t been back to his room in the Candidate’s lodgings since he’d left.  Both because there was no need, and because the very thought of going in there made her stomach flutter…

                But she’d suck those hesitant feelings up for this afternoon.  Extreme boredom always seemed to calm people down and allow them to do things they otherwise might not.  Goddess… how nice it was going to be to get back out into civilization.  To have a proper bath, complete with sweet-smelling oils.  To have the ability to order from a menu.  To see what people were wearing for fashions.  To see the latest technologies at use…

                The blue-eyed girl issues a dejected sigh as she pushes open the door to the Postal room, strides over to her little basket, grabs the single letter from Katherine, and starts to make the trip back to her quarters as she reads through the usual ramblings.

                                Dear Finny / Angie

                Goddess!  What a hectic morning!  The last of the fields’ scrub was burned, only the bloody wind suddenly shifted, and caught a trio of the farmers in thick smoke.  I spent hours mixing up healing salves and pain-relief medications, and barely got so much as a damned ‘thank you Miss O’Malley’.  I swear, Angie, before I treat any more of them, I’m going to make them follow proper damned etiquette!

Aegis and Order: First LightWhere stories live. Discover now