● T W E N T Y T H R E E ●

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, he heard the door open and close. He heard soft taps from shoes behind him, getting louder as it approaches him. He lifts his head up expecting someone like Jungkook or Taehyung- maybe Seokjin.

But nope,

It was Yoongi.

He just frowned, disappointed at his presence and lies down again, turning his back on him. Yoongi huffs before walking over and standing by the fireplace before speaking, "Hey kid.. How're you feeling?" He asks softly.

Jimin shrugs- no emotion in his eyes showing. Great, now Yoongi feels like his heart was about to drop to his stomach.

"What? Can't speak? Use your mouth idiot."

"K.." Jimin answers

Yoongi stiffened- okay.. That wasn't a good feedback-
Silence filled the room again, and gosh its awkward. Yoongi's hands are sweating, and he had to wipe them on his pants every 5 minutes. He was about to apologize to the younger but he doesn't know how. He hasn't apologize this sincerely ever since he broke his mother's vase.

And that was when he was like, five.

He then remembers Seokjin saying "Just go for it! Say sorry and mean it. I'm sure he's not the type to reject an apology."

'Alright. Here I go...'

'Go for it, Min Yoongi.'

He took a deep breath before he spoke what he believed the two hardest words in the world.

"Hey Park." He calls out, he was answered by a bored hum from Jimin. Shit, this is getting difficult now.


"I-I'm sorry." He mutters softly. It was so soft and subtle, Jimin didn't even hear what he said clearly and now he's confused why he looks so nervous right now.

"Uhm, What?"

"Say okay."


"JUST SAY OKAY." Yoongi suddenly yells


"K thanks, bye. See you tomorrow- rest your ass you little shit." He says before leaving the room.

........."what the fuck was that." Jimin mumbled


Yoongi closes the door quickly and leans against it, calming his beating heart. It was beating so fast.. "It's over."

"Finally.." He muttered before meeting his eyes with a furious looking Seokjin.

"H-He said it's oka--"

"You call that an apology?!" Seokjin uttered in disbelief "Are you kidding me?!"


"Oh my Gosh you're unbelievable, THAT'S NOT AN APOLOGY YOONGI. I BET JIMIN DIDN'T EVEN HEAR WHAT YOU SAID." Seokjin whisper yelled, "Oh Gosh, you'll make me get wrinkles at an early age, I swear."

"I-.. Uhm."

"Im sorry" Seokjin says imitating Yoongi's voice

"say okay!"

"Just say okay"

"SHUT UP. IT'S BEEN A WHILE! I HAVEN'T DONE SHIT LIKE THIS IN YEARS." Yoongi grumbled a little loud.

"Oh really? I had no idea." Seokjin says sarcastically "Jesus, is sincere even in your dictionary?"

"O-Of course!"

"Then why don't you show it?"

"...cuz I haven't found what page it is?" Yoongi smiles nervously, obviously joking- but seriously, this isn't the time to joke around. Sure, he rarely jokes and gags over humor but today is not a good timing. Seokjin puts his hands into fists as he took a breath "You better fucking apologize again tomorrow-" he notes, looking at him like he was at the verge of choking the boy right here, right now.

"AND, MAKE, IT, SINCERE." He says through gritted teeth while he pushes his chest with his index finger

"I will! Calm down."

"You better." Seokjin huffed before walking away
I'm trying, okay.
Oh shit, its saturday now--

Well sorry xD it slipped out of my mind for a sec and I was sleepy.

Plus yesterday- or earlier was shit.

My friends ignored me for no reason and started bitching at me like
What'd I do now? Ō-Ō

So sorry, if this doesnt seem exciting.
Love y'all tho. :(( hope everything will be okay next week ayayay.

Thanks for reading, this potato appreciates it. :3 ()*:・゚ ゚・:

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