54- "She's like obsessed with you!"

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"That was the worst time of my life!" I complain to Liam. He's laying next to me on the bed and listening to me complain about everything.
"She kept asking me if I have a boyfriend, if I know a lot of celebrities, and about my life before you. And about you. Actually a lot about you. She's like obsessed with you, Dad!"
"Ava, you have to understand that I was basically taken away from my mum at a really young age. I was barely an adult. She's missed so much of my life and she won't be able to get that time back. She just wants to know everything and wants love where she hasn't been getting it." Liam sighs.
"I don't like it here. I just want to go home."
"I know, but it'd be great if you could just stick it out. For me?"
"Yeah, okay." I get up and walk over to my closet. "Now leave, I have a date with Ashton tonight and I'm not going to miss it."
"Ava, I don't know about him."
"Why? Because of his tattoos and piercings?"
"No, because I know absolutely nothing about this kid!"
"But I do! He's super nice, dad! Just give him a chance. I'll invite him over some time for dinner, okay?"
"Okay, just be safe tonight. Where are you guys going?"
"His house."
Liam shoots up. "Nuh-uh! Nope! Not happening! You're canceling plans right now!"
"Calm down! He has like six billion siblings that'll all be there too."
"I want to know exactly how many, ages and names."
"I don't remember the names but I remember the ages. Seventeen, sixteen, fourteen, ten, seven, four. He's the oldest, twenty-one."
"He's twenty-one?!" Liam shouts. "Evangeline! You're hardly eighteen!"
"Calm down! What are we going to do? His siblings are there."
"People do stupid stuff!"
"Not him! Especially not in front of his siblings! He's the only parent figure they all have." I tell him as I step into the closet and close the door behind me so I can talk to Liam and change at the same time.
"Why?" Liam asks as if he doesn't believe me.
"They're both basically dead weight. They work from like five in the morning to ten at night just to make enough money for their kids."
"See me before you leave, with him."
I walk out of the closet in joggers and a hoodie and give Liam a fake salute. "Yes sir!" I mock.

Btw, Ashton is at the top! (Or wherever the picture is on your screen.)

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