50- "I won't tell Liam if you don't."

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As we pull up to the house I see many people sitting on the porch and two little babies playing on the lawn while a young woman watched them. When they hear the car approach everyone's face lit up. The woman watching the babies picks one up and a man comes up and grabs the other resting the baby on his side.

After parking I nervously open the door and get out. Everyone else follows my actions and Lizzie comes around and grabs my hand in hers.

They all stood up and who I'm assuming is Liam's mother runs up to him.
"Hi, baby! How are you?" She asks as she pulls Liam into a hug. "I've been good, mum." He replies as he smiles. She goes to Lizzie and grabs her hand, "you must be Elizabeth." She smiles brightly and kisses her cheek. Lizzie smiles back and says "it's nice to meet you, Karen." Then Karen, who's name I just learned, looks over at me and gives me a sweet smile.

"Now you, you must be Evangeline. Let me look at you." She says as she steps back and looks me up and down. "Liam was right, you've grown to be a beautiful young lady." I smile as she pulls me in for a hug and I happily hug her back. Eventually I'm meeting everyone, Geoff, my grandad. Ruth and Nicola, my aunts. And Thomas, my uncle, Ruth's husband. Ruth and Thomas have two kids, the babies playing in the front lawn, which they call the garden. Their son is two and their daughter is one. Both very, very cute!

We make our way through the living room and to the kitchen where we all sat at the surprisingly large table.

"So, Evangeline, how've you liked being with Liam?" Ruth asks.
"Um, it's been, different. Different than other places I've been." I laugh.
"How so?" Karen asks. All eyes are on me at this point.
"Well, when I was about twelve I went to a foster home. It was the first and only time I've been at a foster home. Well, they just wanted the money out of it and treated their own kids better than they treated me. Oh and also the first house wasn't exactly full of grown men." I laugh again.
"You took her to the geek house?!" Nicola shouts at Liam.
"We moved like a year after." He comes back. I just giggle beside Lizzie.
"What about you Elizabeth? How long have you and Liam been together?" Karen asks.
"Just about two months." She smiles at Karen.
"Lovely-" Nicola starts but is interrupted by a phone ringing. Specifically my phone ringing.
"Oh! I'm so sorry. I need to take this its Miranda."

As I leave the kitchen and go into the living room I over hear someone ask Liam who Meredith is and Liam explaining that I'm an actress and Meredith is my agent/manager person thingy. I'm not sure in all honesty.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.
"Hey, is this Ava?" A guy's voice with an English accent asks over the phone.
"Yes, who is this?" I ask.
"It's Ashton, from the plane." He responds.
"Oh! Hi, how are you?" I ask as a smile grows on my face.
"I'm good and you?"
"Fine, thank you. What's up?"
"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to see a movie with me Friday night? A group of my friends are going and I thought it'd be fun."
"Um, yeah, I'd love to! What movie? What time?"
"Great, be ready around eight."
"What movie?"
"That's a surprise."
"Okay, well I can't wait."
"Neither can I. See you then, Ava."
"Bye." I say as I hang up and walk into the other room with a smile on my face. The first to notice is Liam, he immediately is curious.

"Who was that?" Liam asks eyeing me.
"A friend." I respond sitting back down next to Lizzie.
"Who was it?" She whispers in my ear.
"Ashton." I whisper back. When she sits back we give each other a quick look as if to say "I won't tell Liam if you don't."

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