9- "Um Evangeline, do you know that your family is One Direction?"

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Evangeline's POV

I heard a knock at the door and jumped up off of the couch.

"Guys listen, she is a huge One Direction fan. Please don't be weirded out."
They shook their heads in agreement.
"Hi Veve." I said closing the door behind me.
"Hey" she said with a smile.
"Okay listen, please don't freak out when you see the boys."

She looked confused and shrugged.

Then I opened the door. Her jaw dropped and she blinked quickly, probably making sure she wasn't seeing things.

"Um Evangeline, do you know that your family is One Direction?"


"Oh my god!"

We all laughed and Harry got up to take her bag.

"This is Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall. Guys this is Veve."

"Hello Veve." They all said at the same time.

"Oh my god."

I laughed. "Come on."

We raced up stairs Harry following us with her bag.

"Thank you Harry." I told him.

"No problem babe." He said as he walked out of my room.

Veve looked around my room in shock "This is your room?"

"Yup, with my own bathroom and walk in closet."

"Omg, why are people so mean to you at school if you have all of this?"

"Because they don't know I have all of this."

"Well you should tell them."

"Nah, I rather have one real friend than a ton of fake friends."

"Oh... I get it."

"So this might sound kinda stupid but um... How does a sleepover work exactly?"

"Well we just hangout then sleep and wake up."

"Well I mean like, where do we sleep and hangout and stuff."

"Your room."

"Oh okay-" I was interrupted by a knock on my... Window? Me and Veve looked at each other then back at the window and slowly walked over to it.

"Should I open it?" I asked

"I don't know." She said a little frightened.

I slowly opened the window and I practically fainted when I saw who it was.

"Hudson?!" I yelled.

He climbed through the window and sat on the ledge. "Who wanted you so bad? Like why do you just suddenly have all this great stuff and who's room is this?"

"Its my room!" I stated "And I got this because someone really does love me." I said even though I'm still not positive if Liam was lying.

"So if I decide to slap you for being a rag" I flinched at the word rag. "Someone would come in here to save you?" Hudson asked.

"Hudson, please don't!" I said backing away. "You shouldn't even be in here this is my house."

"Then why did you let me in?"

"Well I didn't know it was you."

"Fine, I'll see you at school Monday. Oh and Veve."

He climbed out the window and dropped down... Like who does that I'm on the second story?

"Ugh he is such a perv, just ignore him!" Veve said encouraging me

"Please don't say anything to the guys!"

"I don't think I can talk to them at all."

We laughed at her funny but cute joke then we painted each others nails and I showed Veve how to do the wing thing on your eye like Sophia taught me.

Then we talked and listened to One Direction's Four CD and we went to bed.

When I woke up Veve was already awake so we decided to go downstairs to eat and watch TV.

The boys were all awake too and they had Chef making a really fancy breakfast, I've had it before with the boys and I think it was pretty good and so did Veve. Her plate was practically empty in 5 minutes.

"So what did you girls do last night?" Liam asked

"Um well we just listened to music and talked and stuff." I told him because Veve couldn't say a single word.



It was kind of awkward and silent for a moment then Harry spoke up.

"Oh Ava, you are going to have to miss school Monday, that's when the interview is." Harry said.

"Oh yeah, thank you Harry. Sophia is going to take you shopping, I think you should look casual but classy." Liam said.

"So maybe like a patterned skirt and plain top with flats" Niall said.

"Well Sophia can figure it all out." Louis stated.

"Ok." I said with a shrug.

"Veve what time are you being picked up? I need to tell Sophia." Liam asked.

"Uh... My mom said around 10." Veve managed to get out without fainting.


Veve came close to me and whispered. "Are you gonna tell the boys about Hudson?"

"No!" I whispered.

"Well what if it happens again?"

"It won't!"

"Ok..." She said unsure

*ding dong*

"I'll get it" Harry said.

"Mom?" Veve said.

"Let's go honey." Veve's mother said.

"What, why?" Veve asked.

"We'll talk about it in the car."

Veve got up and grabbed her stuff then left.

"That was weird." Louis said.

I ran to the window and looked out to see that Veve and her mother were crying in the car. I wondered why and what happened.

"Ava, the boys and I thought it was time you got something of your own." Liam told me and the boys agreed by shaking their heads.

I looked at them confused.

"We got you a phone!"

"Serious?! Thank you!" I said.

Liam handed me an IPhone SE and I practically fell in love with it! I was in the 8th grade and I finally got my very first phone! I immediately put the boys numbers in it and Veve's and I started going through the app store.

"Hey Liam? Can I make an Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter account?" I asked in the cutest way possible.

"Um... I guess so but I want to know all of you passwords and stuff so please write them down." He answered.

"Okay thanks."

I downloaded all of the apps and made accounts then I came across an app called Wattpad and I instantly fell in love! I spent all my time on it creating story's and I even wrote a biography. I read so many cool story's and I couldn't put it down, I was in love. Liam asked why I spent so much time on my phone and I always told him I was reading which he never believed even though it was true!

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