41- "Genevieve is here to see you!"

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Evangeline's POV

Liam is so mad at me. I explained to him that we just kind of fell asleep without realizing but he does not care what I have to say!

Hudson came over at five to help me get ready. I've classified this as a party now. The boys were supposed to get here at six thirty but because Hudson showed up early they showed up at five thirty.
They're honestly the worst!

"Hudson! Don't drink all the Hawaiian Punch! We need that!" I yelled at him.
"Hey will you come help me with something?" I asked him leading the way.

I walked into my bedroom and he closed the door behind him. "This is going to be a wreck! The boys won't leave us alone! They'll watch us the entire time."
"Yeah, I know baby. But it's okay. We can get them to leave, right?"
"No." I said like it's obvious.

About two and a half hours later everyone is in the pool. We decided to play volleyball and my team is crushing them.

"Ava! Genevieve is here to see you!" Harry yelled out the back door.

Everyone's face went blank, everyone knew why she wasn't here and that she didn't know.

"Stay as quiet as possible or you're all dead!" I warned.
I got out of the pool and wrapped a towel around me.

I walked inside and found Genevieve standing awkwardly by the door, I mentally groaned and rolled my eyes.
"Hi." I said to her with a bored tone."
"Hey! I noticed your car in the driveway and I realized you're probably done with filming. Do you want to go shopping?" She asked with hope evident in her eyes.
"I can't, Hudson and I have plans."
"Oh, romantic date?" She hinted.
"Something like that." I flashed a fake smile to her.
*If you see this comment your opinion on what Evangeline is doing to Genevieve for a follow and a shoutout!*
"Who's out back?" She asked looking behind me.
"Oh! Someone we hired, our pool system is acting up so we needed them to come fix it."
"Yeah okay, bye!" I said shoving her out the door.

"You could at least be nice to her." Liam's voice told me from behind.
I spun around to look at him. "You try getting rid of your once best friend!"
"Niall, leave." Liam joked.
"In all fairness I never liked that girl." Harry put in.
"You don't like anyone." I said.
"Touché!" He laughed.

I left them and walked back out to the yard. They all gave up on playing when I left so we put the big floats in and were just playing around.

Niall came out and walked with a plate full of meat to the heated grill. The plan is, Niall makes dinner we eat at eight, screen a movie off the side of the garage, late swim, then anyone that wants to stay over can. Liam and I set up a place to "sleep under the stars". We got like six king blow up mattresses and put so many pillows and blankets out there I'm surprised we can actually see the mattresses.

The food was ready in what felt like two minutes and everyone sat around the pool to eat hamburgers, chips and veggies. The boys all sat at the table and ate and watched over us like Hawks! They're annoying but you got to love them!

After everyone was finished eating we all went inside to the family room to find a movie we could watch. We all agreed on watching an action movie. Corey wanted a super hero movie, Sabrina wanted a classic, and Hudson complained about both. We came up with this idea where we would put everyone's choice in a bin and make one of the boys pick. I walked up to Louis with the bin and told him to close his eyes and pick. He pulled out the Avengers so that is what we'll be watching.

"Ava, someone's coming in a few minutes and I want you to meet them." Louis informed me.
"Okay, just bring them to the back." I told him.

The sun went down and Liam set up the projector. Our night is just beginning.

Just found out that one of my favorite books on Wattpad is getting a sequel! Thrashing Waters is getting a sequel, I think she said it's called Calm Waters (or something cute like that.) I can't wait! If you haven't read Thrashing Water you need to go read it! If you have any suggestions or books I should read comment here to let me know or PM me!

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