47- "Evangeline Meredith Payne, I'm tired of this."

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Liam got to Corey's house before I did, thank god! I don't think I can face Corey for a while, or ever.
I cried the entire way to Corey's house. I probably had makeup all over my face. When Liam first saw me I swear to god his face went red and he jumped out of the car.

"What happened?" Liam asked sternly as he came up to me.
"Nothing." I said wiping my tears from my chin.
"Evangeline Meredith Payne, I'm tired of this. You need to tell me what's going on so I know how to help you."
"I don't think Elizabeth would want to hear about my troubles." I told him motioning to his date that was sitting in the car.
"Get in the back and keep quiet until we get home. I'll talk to you in your room. You're not getting out of it this time." He turned on heels and walked to the car.

I got in the back and began going through Twitter. I have so many notifications I want to just delete the stupid app. But I clicked on my tagged photos and began to go through them. I followed a couple fans and liked a few pictures. Then I got a brilliant idea. Why not go through Genevieve's Twitter?

I searched her name and clicked her profile. She posted eight times today already. The first time she posted was when she woke up. She posted a selfie with the hashtag I woke up like this, but let's be real here, no she didn't. The next post was of her almost ten minutes after the first with Corey. Then there were more her, one with Shawn, one with Hudson, One with Daniel, and the rest of my guys friends. I know for a fact she didn't see all of them today. Daniel is out of town for a photo shoot thing. She's ridiculous, she's a nut job, she's a creep.

The last post was just text, it reads: If you mess with me, you'll regret it. Just ask E.

She has never referred to me as E before so I hope no one catches on. This is so stupid. I can't believe her!
I am so busy being angry I don't realize we pull into the drive. Liam has to call my name to get my attention.

I run up to my room and close the door behind before going to my bathroom to wipe off my face. I have to reapply my makeup and Liam walks in while I'm doing my eyeshadow.

"So what happened today? Why'd I pick you up at Corey's and not Hudson's?"
"Dad, you know how I got really mad at you went you cheated on Soph?" I began. "Why'd you cheat on her?"
"This has nothing to do with my question." He rolls his eyes at me.
"Just answer it." I say as I grab my tube of mascara.
"I kind of got bored with Sophia. We went too fast and didn't have much to do after I proposed. I regret cheating so much but sometimes I think maybe it was for the better. Now will you please answer my question?"
"Okay," I sigh. "Corey texted me while I was at Hudson's asking for his sweatshirt. I had it with me so I decided I'd take it to him because he lives right around the block. Well while I was there Corey and I may or may not have ended up kissing once. Maybe twice. Or maybe a lot more. But it didn't mean anything to me. I didn't feel anything when I kissed him like I do when I kiss Hudson. But anyway, Genevieve just happened to be there when that happened and she got a picture and sent it to Hudson. Hudson got all mad at me and, well," I stop and look down at my hands. I don't want to say it. I don't want Liam to freak out like I know he will.
"Well, spit it out!" Liam says.
"He hit me." I whisper in an attempt for Liam not to hear.
"Are you freaking kidding me?!" He yells. Darn, he heard.
"It's my fault! Don't take it out on him."
"It's not your fault! Just because you did that doesn't mean he gets to hit you!" He yells again. "I'm going over there, just to let you know. You better warn him."
"Dad, wait! You can't! Please! I would love if I could just fight my own battles, okay?"
"So how do you plan to fight this one?" He asks.
"I plan to get rid of everything that reminds me of him and Corey. All of it. I'm never going back to the school. And I'm not dealing with them ever again."
"It's better than mine, but it's still terrible." He laughs.
"Oh yeah? What's yours?" I laugh back.
"To make him bleed to death."
"He can do that on his own, I'm almost positive he's drunk off his arse by now."

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