8- "If you're not going to eat it I will."

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Liam's POV

Someone hurt my baby girl?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Why would he do that?! She never did anything to him!

When we got home it was 2:00, the kids were still in school. I quickly called the principal and told him that Evangeline was being bullied by Hudson.

"Hello?" Mr. Gin answered.
"Hi this is Liam Payne, Evangeline Payne's father."
"Hello Mr. Payne, what are you calling for?"
"I have a concern about my daughter; she has a broken arm and hand."
"Are you asking for a mentor for her, we would be happy to get her one."
"Well yes, but do you know how she got that broken arm and hand?"
"Um... No."
"A boy named Hudson in her homeroom did this to her."
He sighed "Mr. Payne, Hudson has some family issues-"
"He has family issues?! Evangeline's old father was abusive, he murdered her family and committed suicide and you are saying that Hudson has family issues."
"Liam I'm very sorry, but with Hudson this happens all the time."
"I expect you to do something about it or you will be hearing from my lawyer." I hung up and slammed the phone down.

Ugh how could he say that HE has family issues???

I hated everything!

"How do you know that?!" Evangeline yelled.
"What my father did!"
"Oh my god! I can't believe I was actually starting to trust you! You know what, have a good life Liam. You won't be hearing from me for a while." She ran up the stairs and to her room.

I was following behind her. She locked my door just in time. I began banging my fists on the door and yelling to her to let me in.

"I'm just trying to help you!" I yelled.

She probably hated me now and I was going to force her to go back tomorrow.

Evangeline's POV

"Dinner!" I heard Chef yell from down stairs.

I wasn't hungry and I couldn't eat anyway. I'm left handed and thank god Hudson broke the right.

"Evangeline, come on you're going to miss dinner." Liam said.
"I don't want any!"
He opened the door.
"Why not?"
"Get out!"
"Evangeline! Come on! I know you're mad at me but please! You can't just be like this for forever! You need to eat! You didn't have breakfast or lunch!"
I sighed. "Fine. But don't expect me to be nice about it."

I just stared at my food the whole time.

"If you're not going to eat it I will." Niall said.
"No, she's going to eat it." Liam said firmly.

I gave him a glare and he gave me a worse one back.

I ran to my room and layed in bed trying to fall asleep. I heard the door open but I didn't bother to see who it was guessing it was Liam.

"Good night." Liam said.

I stayed quiet, didn't look at him, I didn't give him any response.

This night I had another nightmare so I left my room and went to Liam's. I sat at the end of his bed and stayed there the entire night.

The next morning I woke up easily, I wasn't even tired although I was dreading going to school.

I took a shower, did my hair and makeup and got dressed. When I went downstairs none of the boys were awake and down there. I got myself a bowl of cereal because Chef wasn't working breakfast this morning and Adrianna well she was doing laundry.

When I was finished eating Harry came downstairs.

"I'm driving you to school today, let's go." He said to me heading out the door.
"Okay." I followed him wondering why Liam wasn't taking me to school.

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