49- "And you thought I was cute?"

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"So you've really never had any acting experience at all?" He asks after he catches his breath from laughing.
"Nope, my first day on the Girl Meets World reunion movie I messed up so many times we had to split it to two days." I laughed with him.
"Well, have you improved?"
"Yes, thank God!" I giggle.
"What about your boyfriend? Does he act?"
"How do you know I had a boyfriend?"
"Well, when I first found the show I looked into you online. I thought you were cute. And had?"
"We broke up about a month ago." I explain. "And you thought I was cute?"
"Well, you're still cute I guess. But I think you're hotter now."
"Well thank you." I laugh.
His cheeks turn the lightest bit of pink. He seems to look deep into my soul with his beautiful eyes.

"Ava, can I have some of your water?" Elizabeth asks from across the aisle. I look over and see that Liam has his head against her shoulder and is fast asleep. I'm sure he's just used to sleeping on a plane from traveling so much.
I reach down to my bag and pull out my untouched water bottle.
"Can you give this to Lizzie?" I ask Ashton.
He takes it from my hold and as he does our fingertips touch and it feels like I've stuck my hand through someone's grave and felt hell. But not in a bad way. It was good, like how Killian Jones escaped Hades in Once Upon A Time. He felt the heat but wasn't completely destroyed by it.

I put my hand back in my lap and smiled to myself.

You can't like him, Evangeline! Are you crazy?! You just met! He could be some psychopath killer guy and you're flirting with him!

"Attention all passengers, please fasten your seat belts. We will be landing in approximately five minutes." One of the flight attendants said on the overhead speaker.

I grabbed my seat belt from the side of my seat and put it to the other side waiting for the click noise to tell me it's safe.

"Hey, why don't I get your number and I can show you around sometime during your stay?" Ashton asked looking at me. His phone reached out to me.
I looked into his eyes and gave a slight smile as I took his phone from his hands. I put my name and number into his phone and smiled as I gave it back to him.
"Are you one of those guys that says he'll text you but then never does?" I ask a little joke behind my voice.
"No way, love! I'm much more professional than that." He laughs.
I laugh back and relax in my seat. I have a feeling this vacation is going to be a good one.

*Three hours later*

"Dad, are we almost there?" I whine from the back seat. We have to drive to his parents house from the airport. Stupid rental cars being too small and stuff!
"Evangeline Meredith Payne, I don't have time to listen to you whine all day." Elizabeth giggles in the seat beside Liam and I roll my eyes.
She looks back at me and smiles then rolls her eyes at Liam. She then proceeds to unbuckle her seat belt, "What are you doing?" Liam asks her when she turns around starts climbing in the back to sit with me. "I'm going to sit with Ava for the rest of the ride, duh!" She responds. Elizabeth is three years younger than Liam, apparently it's his first girlfriend younger than him. She's really sweet and he's just trying to get used to the fact that she loves spending as much time with me as possible. Before they go out Lizzie always comes and says goodbye to me, even if I'm locked away in my room.
Liam sighs and stifles a laugh.

"So, Geli. Tell me about Hudson." Geli is the nickname Lizzie gave me a short time ago. She said, and I quote, "you're too sweet to be jam so I'm going to call you Geli," I think it's super cute.
"Ugh, he's the worst now. I think he got so used to just breaking up and getting together again that he's confused. I think he thinks I still love him, but in all honestly I'm over him. I can't deal with him anymore." I sigh.
"That's what I think too! He's being ridiculous, obviously you've moved on. I mean, you've been spending a lot of time with Corey. Oh and what about the guy you sat by on the plane? He was totally flirting with you!" She laughed.
"Woah, woah. What guy on the plane?" Liam asks. We both disregard him and I continue talking.
"Corey and I are just friends! We both agreed it didn't feel right. And besides, I think he's about to ask this one girl out he met the other week. And for the guy on the plane, his names Ashton. He's such a dreamboat! He offered to show me around sometime, I gave him my number."
"You did what?!" Liam shouted. We both continue to ignore him.
"Well, what about Liam? Isn't that was he's for, to show you around?" She laughs.
"Well, he said if I want to get away from all the paparazzi and fans. My show doesn't play here unless you have a certain cable line, and most people don't have it."
"Oh." She replies with a smile.

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